This message is akin to Noah’s, delivered over time by a human who is meticulous and obsessed with ensuring that Christ’s ministers are “fit” to enter His Kingdom on the Last Day. They also desire to bring as many people as possible with them for the sake of Jesus and for the sake of each valuable human.

Hence, I submit a finely tuned, revealed, and experienced message that has been developed over a long-term, slower-than-slow-motion life in the ministry process. It has been saved for just the right moment.

Also this person assesses, evaluates, corrects, reproves accepted THEOLOGY AND FRUIT(as it’s Part of her Calling 2 Timothy 3:16-17 since mid 1980s)   but CHOOSES TO REFUSE TO  ACCUSE.

For the she still ministry abides in Isaiah 1:18 (read for your hard working self, yet via the relationship respect viewpoint)

And that this applies in Modern Day Fancy, Plain Life and Ministry

“God’s love covers a multitude of sins” (old fashioned Jesus)…however, she  will upfront frankly address Real Issues, but not expose, make a monetized media tabloid video NOR Bible thump or revile, openly shame and/or mock, another fellow Christian by NAME, MOVEMENT, MINISTRY.


Above “Religious System Pharisees AVOID REALITY: “JESUS, we liked YOU much better back when YOU were Your Sweet Baby Jesus SELF”  “Pay Him no mind, he’s got BIG BAGGAGE!”


This Child of Issachar, hot warning message is intended as a moment of reflection, a pause for consideration of the fruit emerging from the grassroots of our faith. If you find it unsettling, perhaps it indicates a comfort in your own circles, part of an elite that may unknowingly lay claim to owning the Book of Acts ministry.

Only those leaders, office ministers, or laypersons who find a particular mention “show’ that “fits” ought to wear it”

This solemn word won’t be easy for the infantile, at ease ‘clubby member” plus the non contrite, also  lukewarm and dysfunctional human person to read. Wise Advice: Better avoid the stress  and  so cease reading at this point. Be warned

Up Above picture: Jesus was not angry, offended, wounded or hurt when at the direction of the His Father He strode into  local Pharisee temple and tossed their mammon centric, well oiled making money big System Tables.(Matthew 21:12-13)

Following that some horrified, devout and donating, goodly member rushed over to rebuke   Christ  and said’ Jesus, what will Your Mother Mary Say’ “let not your good be evil spoken of!” Also, You are unsubmitted and in rebellion the office  priests, and YOU are just envious junior Wannabe, who needs attention” “I think YOU need our 4 week Fix You Fast Class to get rid of all of your “deep Unforgiveness and evidently you have a LOT of  Big Baggage”

Sincerely, Sister Taveau

Proverbs 18:10 ESV  “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”

Micah 7: 5 “Do not put your trust in your neighbor. Do not put your trust in a guide, don’t even put your trust in the one who lies beside you in bed, ONLY put your trust in God” This particular clear Bible Verse Word was GIVEN to this Sent Messenger for the TV Effected Christian Ministry 1980s’ word  shortly after Both Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert Media Scandals 

And confirmed Psalm 118:8-9

Psalm 118: 8 “Do not put your confidence in man, only put your confidence in God
Psalm 118:9 “Do not put your confidence in princes, only put your confidence in God”


READ: “Would Jesus ‘word curse,’ ‘typecast?’ Objectify? ‘Use? Defile? Demean? Take advantage, to block each leader female, let the men rise up? To regard as ‘beneath Him’… not as valid as a WELP Man? Did Jesus name-call any person? ‘Cast the first stone’ at any individual or views them as a ‘class’ ‘type’ OR leader men, unsaved, the women as an OBJECT… or WORSE (like today).

This is a very candid “personal repeated show time eyewitness ” brutally candid “piece’ snapshot” of what I was sent to discover, firsthand Luke prophetic office TV media affected, wanting to be known, lifestyles of many a need to be recognized, ‘rich and elite famous’ since the 1980s Christian television, expansion into the media age, with its growth into achievement ‘winning,’ ‘elevated office’ celebrity, showbiz, and its perversion.”



In today’s late End Times days, in the ministry overall body, there is a need to understand Messiah Christ, “who went about doing good (compassionately interacting, office relating), healing all those who were oppressed by the devil” (Acts 10:38). The ministry of Jesus healed through healing and delivering prayer, using faith with a respectful, compassionate, very low-key, servant humble demeanor.

It’s important to note that the true office of Christ did not oppress or dominate or “Bible (Torah) thump,” but ministered His Creator Father’s goodness to everyone. Jesus delivered, cured, freed, and showed authentic EORR “Real Respect” for the office of every created human, who is well-loved and made in His Father’s image. Whether they were males, females, Romans, slaves, believers, non-believers, big sinners, or slave owners, Christ and His first Apostles did not view them as pieces of Christian property or as types and statuses of human persons, some better or less than others.

Jesus was not a mean, veiled Torah Levitical Law chauvinist,(maybe LP Saul  had been before he saved and became soul winning Paul) biased toxic stereotyping leader, or accuser. He admired, truly respected, and loved His Mother and all the leader saved and fallen human persons, many of whom were women. Jesus had personal self-governing and self-control; therefore, as a male leader, He had relationships with the leader women mentioned when He was alive around the area. Why? Because Jesus was pure and suffered no lust temptations, nor did He fantasize, accuse, demean, look down on, or unholyly defile. Jesus was primarily focused on saving, healing, and comforting human weak and strong, unique, many “one of a kind” various individuals. He was mature, healthy, God, but also a human man (John 11:35); even “Jesus wept.” The Messiah Jesus regarded each and every single person (child, man, woman) as fearfully and wonderfully made, marveling at who was in need of His GOOD NEWS message. Why? Because life is short, and eternity is never-ending long.

In Christian servant leader first church terms, making the Lord and His gifts exclusive is errant, marginalizing, withholding, unfaithful, ministry proud, and sly.

It also shows that the office minister or leader cares only for themselves, not the authentic, designed pure call of the office. Assessed by the “fruit” of this behavior, it shows  self-serving and  not fully ” sold out” for the cause of the Risen Christ.Reason:  Representing Jesus means  humility, authentic Other Centered respect and caring, and loving others “before your self” …in real life..but while keeping one eye on Heaven and  Eternity.


 “but the greatest of these is________”**I Corinthians 13:13 Office Apostle Paul,shares a Major Christian Perspective, a training Value

**Finding Much Fruit: “A  point of view in many modern day gifted, talented and Called Sr and Wannabe The Next World Wide “known’ somewhat ‘high” leader offices.



“Discussing the Ambitious Demas Fruit of a Lesser god

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?” Peaceful Ephesians 4, 5:21 ‘mutually submitted'” entire community, freedom in Christ servant leader, senior off-scouring(apostle dung) St Paul (KJV)

(C)2024 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

1 Samuel 2:3 (ESV): “Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.”

“He is our peace, who has broken down every wall of partition, to make us both one”

St Paul Ephesians 2:14-15

Me and EORR Cross Body Unity

….”Word Curse Theology”... (my coined teaching vocabulary) note that I will not accuse human persons, for they and each one of us are as frail as dust. I have no bone to pick with any valuable gifted persons.. as some known “do.” Yet  we seer prophets often inner “know, realize, perceive” when and who is accusing, but we do not. Yet when one has never once been invited to chat, to understand, to know the theology under which one operates, and who is a stranger, yet a calm, James 3:17 fruit modeling, at all time…Yet when one,  has has never once spoken directly with, interacted with , or made a mature, calm “investigating, confronting (See Galatians 6:1 Matt 18:15) as in Proper Holy Bible protocol professional minister-to-ministry office appointment to “one-to-one, face-to-face, in private, respectfully” address any of the following.

And as I am not of this “ilk,” I refuse to bow down to the Accuser by openly reviling, accusing, or naming weak people’s names. It damages the whole body of Christ and the young, the jaded, and the many observing big and small doubters, non-trusting. So, I will pounce upon critical doctrines, but not the same groups, movements, or ministers who practice and endorse all of this.

Why? We’re looking to increase the holy fear of the Lord in the true diverse (Holy Ghost) “remnant” by just calling out ministry false, injurious, untrue doctrines.

Charismatic Witch Lists: In 2003, I guest ministered in Tampa, FL. But prior to that, I’d already interacted “experienced” with many fine-tuned, well-edited, legally polished at work in my then-home state. For these, “that” appeared in ministry region as imports of a “charismatic Christian culture” upfront in the Deep South, which is based in Florida.

After the conference, the pastor shared, “That group keeps a witch list in its national headquarters.”

ABOVE: Big example  of Modern WORD CURSE THEOLOGY: “FALSE -TRUE AUTHORITY (contains mixture, Ishmael as opposed to the Issac “means laughter”…Ought to be assessed as “part true Bible, mixed in the many devils, hard to understand, FALSE …Not hero resembling (fully)  Jesus “freedon from the OT Law” Leadership authority role, but mixture of emotional dishonesty, hypocrisy, evil eye, undermining, praying against, keep tabs, monitoring, use of white witchcraft to “control” to spy on (deep mind occult scanning) much mirthless intrigue, hiding, avoiding “relationship” leader drama, much legalistic bias against “far away persons who appear to be ministry unfavorable, mistrusted past stereotypes” Upper and Lower Caste systems. It’s respecter of persons common all across USA in “clubby control” elite ministry 


Keeping of mega, micro, many area, local national “known witch lists” is probably the most disturbing occult, doctrine, lying, false witness to countless, perhaps “hundreds of many thousands” as this fine arts, worship, moving in the fine-tuned Holy Spirit of prophecy is “off”… based on the fruit which is self-centric, private persons turf owning, and occult… and “a cult”…

This is supreme arrogance, deception, anti the true nature, character ministry of Christ and the anti of Hebrews 10:25 “trustworthy…acceptable.” Also “pure Christian,” “honest,” “Hebrews 10:25 “family fellow,” all equal “pure Holy Spirit fellowship.”

“Witch watching” (also my vocabulary training term)… at its worst. It’s purely 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Pauline commanded, strongly advised “from such turn away” fodder.

Here is WHY I call this out as evil: the fruit and hurting many good, true persons and making Christ’s name look demonic and “us against many” occult, sin-conscious, prying demonic. It also taints the Christian invitation “come to church” (as I stated “Come to Safe Respecting, Calm, Arming Accepting Ministry “Jesus House’… but it turns out to Mammon Centric (top priority: Self-Preserving) so it’s it “many rigid requirements’ “hidden controlling many false practices, albeit “polite, beautiful, popular and famous’ yet hiding witchcraft “bait and switch” ministry, leader, or lay practices’


By this, I mean “false, unfair, beguiling, playing around with God’s cause…the Christian misleading advertising. For then the ‘non-preferred’ type, or negative stereotype, or ‘wrong’ race, size, age, gender, hair, body weight, arrives to seek the Holy God, by top staff, leaders, lay, they are turf-guarding, knee-jerk ‘profiled’ as not our pet stereotype, and I fit that ‘ministry-disqualifying type’ for the sake of the Lord on behalf of these ‘non-preferred types and for the sake of the end-time harvest and the holy, honorable, loving name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For this evil eye, accusing, demonic ‘witch watching’ is petty, sly, toxic, selfish, not about Christ, but about them tricky selves.”

Furthermore, I call this ongoing cronyism (which has a spirit of cult control, elite,exclusive) , the gentrified many patriarchal pandering, a wide, mostly deep south, entrenched, well guarded, often demonic and accusing, dark and biased sly elite culture. Also it’s mega High Falootin’ Super Stars gone Commercial (many errant psychic) “branded Christian” which in Real Life Relationship.. True Terms is “occult abusive, false advertising’ akin to using the name of the Lord in vain, like real estate “bait and switch”).

Groups like this want to be valued,  known for the gifting talents, precision, skill, and fine worship, the wonder-working power… which is also ‘a form of works, achievement, growing popularity” which can resemble Lucifer, the first worship leader in heaven. Who self-reflected on HIS OWN FINE QUALITIES and started the first “demonic accusation, division and power struggle” which got him leveled but put this carnal also occult, demonic (also powerful) continuing struggle almost everywhere on earth today (sin of LPV (my leader training vocab..see beneath) which is the “basic human race, fallen carnal “natural’ human nature: apart from Christ)

LUST PRIDE VANITY ..Basic Human Condition

TD has written on LPV for many years and will try to edit it to bring it back for education.

LPV = “lust, pride, vanity” (human nature). Yet this got the shiny, gifted Lucifer knocked off his fine arts perch, down to the earth, where he became leveled into a slippery, cagey, artful, lying but most of all “accusing” and lying, “undermining” mean serpent… similar to the fruit of the Job 41 Leviathan and also the crying “Poor Me” ego Python, mega-ambitious, self-centric, always self-seeking, accusing…

So each of us, “all too human,” must heed that!


NOTICE I am looking to “deliver” to “reprove, admonish, correct” but also WARN and SENIOR AUTHORITY “ADVISE” these human people… but not as a known fellow famous celebrity or their senior elevated peer, but as an obscure, however, widely experienced, senior office, yet now, one who is sent out NOW as a “non-celebrity” from the deep grassroots… also as God is prone to do, another ‘nameless, faceless” however, true oracle prophet, just as in the days of Eli (1 Samuel 1-3) and Amos. I have been studying Christian ministry fellowship and the Book of Acts, moving in the spirit of prophecy since 1976.

I call this  out as biased, mean, divisive, selfish, proud, skilled accusing, hiding, skulking “playtime” country elite doctrine as the cult spirit of mean, non-contrite, anti-Christ, and the King Ahab and demonic Queen Jezebel and false similar doctrine network as “false” Ishmael to the Elijah move of God in Luke 1:17 (First Church).

Old Testament gifted Elijah was a noticeably pure-hearted, pure-motived type of a “relationship” office prophet:

  1. God First Love Servant Leader to Lord, valued that long time True Abiding (spending much prioritize leader time: seeking, praying, contemplating “hanging out” with) Relationship,
  2. Alas, Elijah was ongoing attacked, assaulted by all wise Elite Governing also ‘regal quality”however “Anti” the Most High God…(impure, professional) witchy despotic Relationships (below)
  3. Also, pastors, leaders, offices, leaders, lay, spouses, youth, many others…not being James 3:17 Relationship Respectful” “easily entreated”(shows “respect for the other person as a fellow God made Human)… is when the going gets exceedingly ‘rough” …as I Samuel 15:23 reveals…”rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry” (USA Christian and ministry dehumanizing, non servant leader person ‘objectifying” meaning:  toying values)

ABOVE ties in..Loveless above; “turf,” “system,” “crony,” “elite,” “ministry club” equals money, as well as abiding in the “world system,” “formula” viewpoint, for it’s not fully God-reliant, prone to Christian people-pleasing, mostly into sustaining its numbers at the cost of respect for all. Also, entertainment, big boss top governing, plus increasing use of fantasy, playtime, shallow, cross-less message. Might use charming persona and false teaching to ‘woo’ (mostly viewed as not meaning to but immature, weak, poorly mentored), plus the celebrity type of ministry move they are ‘with’ or ‘hero worship.’ Not all are evil people, just humans who lack depth and message, “carry the cross,” “study to show yourself approved” (less people-pleasing, making, pressuring by many methods to perform, to attend, to donate, also to raise up one famous head with its devout also controlling occult and cult followers, blind also to false authority, white witchcraft). Seems 2 Timothy 3:1-5, money 2 Timothy 6:5, and it’s a giant ambition wide real issue.

Top issues: “Mammon,” key to all of this… big boss, occult, tale-bearing, dysfunction, rivalry, and toxic accusing, big demonizing, forever calling other persons false (note: while using the OT law, which is false!). Ties in with the use of false authority, many slick, accepted operating methods to win control.

As it’s embedded in the last 35 or more televised, well packaged and big STYLIN’ many it’s common, expected “The Trend” however, many are pure hearted, just lost. Again, not ALL, Not all, but over many.**

**Again National Isaiahs 1:18  (same with this person, same with YOU)


JESUS CHRIST BEATITUDES…”Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God ” (about all of this) “Claim this verse and let Him really speak.

Plus don’t ever be moved by “what I say here” or “humans’ even your own self…WHY? Because it is THAT TOUGHT to truly know but also GOD DOES DO UNIQUE SPECIFIC TARGETING (PLEASANT)types of ‘ministry things”



ELIJAH in First Church, Office New Testament “the long awaited, much prophesied “THE DAYS OF ELIJAH”

So we note apostle Luke 1:17 ESV “And he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”

Note, I call attention to the Luke 1:17 noticeable days of Elijah “definition” which mentions several key “relationships”… not just supernatural signs and wonders and miracle and ‘revival’ (more).

When I study the Prophet Elijah in the Old Testament, I realize that he was a Hebrew, one of the Israelites, a true prophet, yet a peculiar mighty individual who was often marked, severely targeted, and violently opposed by his fellow “chosen” Israelites.

WHY? Because there is a big contrast with ‘true people’ who purely know their God, who do what He wants, and ones who do not truly deeply do that. It affects their “perception and discernment” as well as their “value’ of their fellows “humans’ in the Human Race (note this pertains to the accusing law, spying of witches prophet obsession, leader, lay ‘typecasting also ministry use of dismissive blanket “dehumanizing” “objectifying” “devaluing” “labeling” ministry, personal stereotypes. FYI this is what is happening “now’ in elite modern ‘transhumanism” also “many blind who use a caste system, extreme genocide, racism, classicism, cliquish anti-female “Christian Misogyny and too much more to list here.

Thus, I name Elijah as part of the remnant, in that time period.

I repeat the random Bible “remnant verses” from the Part 1 of this unique series


Here are some Bible verses that mention the remnant, in both the King James Version (KJV) and the English Standard Version (ESV)

These verses speak of the remnant as a small, faithful group of people who remain true to God amidst larger, unfaithful populations.

  1. Isaiah 10:20-21 (KJV): “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God.”
  2. Isaiah 10:20-21 (ESV): “In that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on him who struck them, but will lean on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.”
  3. Romans 11:5 (KJV): “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
  4. Romans 11:5 (ESV): “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.”
  5. Micah 5:7-8 (KJV): “And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.”
  6. Micah 5:7-8 (ESV): “Then the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which delay not for a man nor wait for the children of man. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, which, when it goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and there is none to deliver.”


ASIDE: Selah Not Autocratic Dogma: A Levitical Lesson: The Ahab and Jezebel story strongly resembles the Genesis Garden story of Adam and Eve and the Fall… I liken Ahab to the first human (man) Adam… and his (Adam’s) making the choice to pick the fruit out of Eve’s hand, ingest it, then hide and accuse his spouse, Eve. Same will participation, yet the “woman” gets blamed by all (patriarchal Levitical Law, seeming (only) biased authoritarian, Backwoods Country legalism, purely autocratic(white) males.

Besieged, elect Elijah was accused, vilified, targeted, and mercilessly attacked, violently persecuted by the blind occult, false religion human persons in his own nation… who were the God-granted “governing authorities.” Yet they were dull, jaded, blind, and used to getting their own way. Also, they settled in control, all power, and in comfortable perks and position. Thus, the installed regal powers that be did not want God’s national move (which Elijah fully did).

One reason: they did not truly “know God” (just “about’ Him) yet  they had been trained government also in the Scriptures, and surely realized, were aware of the big ins and outs of the Hebrew Law (…for the weak Ahab was a king descended from a royal King, Omri* (**who was the worst idolatrous Baal worshipper  all of the nation of Israel kings…that means… until his cowardly sly son, King Ahab took over. Then King Ahab was worse).

Side note: Both Omri and Ahab had been raised around the Torah Law. The Pentateuch, the Ten Commandments, and Leviticus. Each was raised, schooled, formerly educated, and each was aware that God’s Holy Law forbade idolatry, the worship of false gods, Baal, occult, and more… Yet each of these high officials, God’s own people, chose to follow the ‘wrong path and evidently pursued the false, counterfeit type of “supernatural power source.”

Note many accusers of leader (non-LP) women: even though Israeli king Ahab knew the rules, not to marry outside his own Hebrew Faith, he did so anyhow. He willfully chose to marry the demonic daughter of the NOT a Hebrew, Jewish nation, each of whom was “under the Torah law’ which was pleasing to the Father God. Because weak needy Ahab chose to follow “Baal” rather than the Lord, and since he went over to ask King Ethbaal for his devilish daughter’s hand (when he was not supposed and did not have, but willfully chose to), we now realize by asking for a non-Hebrew, false idol-raised, no knowledge of the Holy Lord, His Law, the mainly Jewish faith safe practices, that AHAB CHOSE a demonic female who would not be used to the Torah Law AND would not respect it OR  the Living Holy Good God.

And, senior elders, religious mighty men. Well off King Ahab officially dishonored, disrespected God and His Scriptures, by willfully CHOOSING to wed the false religious Practitioner, Jezebel, at one point Ahab could have repented, turned toward God, and nullified or divorced his satanic vixen wife… “sent Queen J packing.”




Asking: What can cause elders, leaders, laypeople, and individuals in society, even you or me (God forbid!), to become dull, blind, hardened, immune, relaxed, jaded, angry, bored, and indifferent, and open to what is false, compromised, politically correct, and mistaken for the operation of God’s wholly Holy Spirit, into false religious whining “precision occult”?

The national prophet Isaiah (chapters 1-10 for the whole warning to the governing elders of God’s own people full story!) called out the leaders of God’s own people (not the leaders of the foreign religions) but his own Torah law governed many Israelite people for being “woe” (Isaiah 5:20 “Woe, you call good evil and evil good”), which might be the condition of many nations and many types of human people today. (To see what triggered God to note this, see Chapters 1-3, then up to 10:27, the Assyrians).

But in saying about this,  I minister this to “ONLY” saved, born again Christians..

We note the Bible... cause of most blindness mentioned in  Psalm 115:4-8 KJV: (a mute lesson for each and every big and small one of us)

“Their idols are silver and gold,
the work of men’s hands.

They have mouths, but they speak not:
eyes have they, but they see not:

They have ears, but they hear not:
noses have they, but they smell not:

They have hands, but they handle not:
feet have they, but they walk not:

neither speak they through their throat.
They that make them are like unto them;

so is every one that trusteth in them.



“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom “Proverbs 9-10

Compare, “the absence, minus of a “holy fear of the Lord” is the beginning of _______ (USA now!)

Add to personal self judging using PSALM 115:4-8  “the missing “holy fear of the Lord” in mainly “acquiring “main ministry

See the relationship with earning, making, acquiring,even loosing,  “money (silver and gold) a major” how to obtain the “fear of the Lord” Proverbs 2:1-5

“My son, (IF) thou wilt receive my words,

and (IF) hide my commandments with thee;
So that (IF) thou incline thine ear unto wisdom,

and (IF) apply thine heart to understanding;
Yea, (IF) if thou criest after knowledge,

and (IF) liftest up thy voice for understanding;
(IF) thou seekest her as silver,and (IF) searchest for her as for hid treasures;

THEN… shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord,
and find the knowledge of God.


THIS IS “REAL” REVIVAL (relationships)

However, right now, in this USA country, it’s the supernatural, turf owning prophetic elite power struggle, between “making it Really BIG” and  Non PC more diverse Ephesians 4 and “transformed” pure  Community ..READ Chapter 4…”which effects society”

Regard “relationship” beneath:

Luke 1:17 “And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Real Restorative Revival Includes a  solemn, holy also National Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

This ”family feel, negotiating, wonder-working or NOT..a NON accusing, No Leader Bible Bashing, Slamming, Mean Vilifying, “one to one up front, in private and respectful, emotionally honest (also healthy) “Relationship confront (see Galatians 6:1 Matt 18:15-16, Rev 2:9 (mean Jezebel man, woman or controlling doctrine)

A Big Reminder: Elijah warring against the giant network of false, untrue, accusing occult false prophets. Just like now.

Reminder, once more, the True Prophet Elijah ONLY only wanted God’s national giant Holy Ghost move…, where these “others” albeit ” fine, fancy, acclaimed, surely gifted, widely known, and accept, valued and respected for their top quality actually were the STRONG HOLD which were blocking, ‘keeping captive” God’s diverse, every day human person MOVE..

And by the “fruit” you will recognize the TRUE Godly pure motives  remaining “authentic remnant” vs the faking it because they want to ‘make’ it indifferent, self justify accusing vain network.

A Bottom Line:

Nobody wants to be fooled or hurt, but these modern “prophets” and pastors in this kind of movement have gone off the spiritual wall. I can teach them the difference (2 Kings 6:12, which it strongly seems that they fully are Elijah’s equal).

I have studied, also am a by product, come from a senior pastors family who had that similar gift (grandmother on mother’s side, pastor/prophet wise woman late aunt), yet nobody did it like this. It is gentle, caring, loving, and bore authentic James 3:17 “wisdom that is from above” pure fruit (pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy, and good fruit, without partiality, and without hypocrisy).

I have more to say, but later.

WIRED LIKE CHRIST… OR SATANIC (the occult mind divining,  really deep invasive, intrusive, aggressive, also relentless “works”  psychic “anti I John 1:7 Ephesians 4, 5:21, peaceful James 3:17) wholesome Christ centric Relationship …my own life real nemesis(and the Alexander Coppersmith of this new Cross Body Unity New Move.. ….the “no love” psychic leader “inquiring minds that deserve to know” the LP witch watcher, deep south “psychic’ seeming…  deep scanners.)

THIS IS “NOT”  being even one bit mad or offended, however, justified to be fully fed up with “cult warfare.” (Said by this penman as a fellow seer prophet, self-defensive from so many who are prophetic false religion diehards currently wired in the USA, accusing mega, mini, and many elite multitudes).


Deep scanning is needed if, when it is given to a pure-hearted, true doctrine empathetic pure authority as it is by grace (like a word of knowledge, word of wisdom not achieved by skill or power or conjuring up, peering into someone, boring into their mind, and/or “listening to, believing an evil report” (which this move is rife with, cannot thrive thrive abusing God’s Word and His Bible Book of Acts Holy Spirit nor “HIS” (as it is HIS) .. MINISTRY ASSIGNED OFFICE).

Reading another’s (presumptive far away “appearing” dark thirst is this apostolic tribe (and as a non-aggressive style patient, approachable, sincere person), I marvel at the hardened totalitarianism in the deep delving “targeting demonic” white witchcraft troubling mega USA, global move. There are achievers working very hard to conjure, bore into (avoid relationship, real speaking, getting to know, interact, even bible confront at all costs), they prefer to far off “mind divine.”

And after 50 years of this non-biased study, which has produced to train Book of Acts, word of faith, senior pioneering solemn ministry but defragging occult, accusation, demonic bias, and much of the vain, false witness. And no more superstars or Vega celebrity ministry. Just Jesus is the only superstar.

Point: If it is one type of thing for Christian ministry doctrine, the “office” elders, staff, and many devout mimicking fervently obsessed many true followers to appear fully obsessed to seeing demons on fellow Christians, ministers, visitors, leaders, lay (this goes in Florida and NC, SC, DFW, VA, and South African colonial WASP with BIBLE Holy Spirit “aka” we are the only true prophetic).

Second point: It is one thing to be targeted and inner read people and then hurry over to warn the staff, elders, top leader that they just read the visitor is “another ‘unsubmitted’ demonic witch, hussy, Queen Jezebel, usurper, and more. Warlock, etc., which is accusing false witness, lying, and superior proud (sin).

But it’s even worse to tell the high elder the innocent, naive true visitor, person accused as a witch, evil, Jezebel, immoral based on a novice, might be unproven, woman hater, fearful, and dysfunctional. It’s one thing to call another person one of those, but it’s even worse, unsafe, and ministry atrocious, unfair, and perverse to have the top leaders 1) allow and endorse this hateful practice 2) and submit to believing the lies, tales declared to them by seen as novices, inexperienced, and not senior offices, but junior wannabes.

Last, even worse than that: the top elder who believes the evil report, the fantasy, the gossip, rumors, and false accusations that are not verified, confirmed, proven are guilty more than the juvenile novice defiling psychic occult anti-Christ moral character divining mind readers.

Last point on this to make it even worse, a tragedy, and supernatural undermining, elite (proud) betrayal of this hiding, mirthless waging war many upon the naive new visitor area repeat attender. It is that they take the innocent person’s name and believe what the novice tells them and add it to a witch list which is then circulated (mainly by white boys club, cronyism grand patriarchy, which they keep in their office, area-wide, local, and as proven in Tampa, national, perhaps global).


One. You want to be well warned that this extreme, elite practice exists.

Two. You do not want to be wounded,  harmed by it, controlled by being “under” it for its clever invisibility and witchcraft power to control to comfort (a form of mesmerizing) soaks the person in this supreme WASPISH culture (occult not 1000% pure Holy Spirit).

Three. You, as a leader, follower, must not teach this, allow it, practice, condone it as it is OFF but finely so. I can give help in “how/when it crosses the skilled deep line” BUT ONLY if YOU are kind, respectful, and “relate” …not divine me (as I will KNOW IT).


Read... Old Testament (Google “divining” false prophets, witchcraft, idolatry, false gods, soothsayers, and similar). God’s punishment for…

Read… New Testament; Jesus, First Church, Paul: see if this witch watching and divining (like psychic) (Seer scanning without speaking to get to know or confirm WAS a CHRISTIAN Practice (Jesus, First Church, Paul, especially Book of Acts).

Read VIA THE EYES OF “EACH AND EVERY RELATIONSHIP” even Jesus Christ in the Gospels Matt Mark Luke John to see if HE DID THIS and COMMISSIONED It. But more importantly, how JESUS “acted” and “reacted” in very mentioned Bible “relationship”. And that will disprove MANY ministry false teachings, customs, and accepted traditions!

READ via “relationship emphasis” Luke 1:17 Days of Elijah. Isaiah 1:18 “forgiveness” Ephesians 1:6, 2:14-15, 4:1-2, 32 and Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus’s own words to the temple Pharisees.

READ: Isaiah 11:2-3 “The Christ long prophesied V 2 His imbued Acts Holy Ghost wonderworking supreme power (7 spirits of God) Isaiah 11:2-3 (ESV).

Verse 2 “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

Verse 3 “And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear,”.

Verse 3 “Jesus’s relationship with the Father, himself “the holy fear of the Lord” and even with all of his High Call, big power, and anointing (seen as BIG GIFTS) Jesus Christ was humble, unremarkable, not attractive, and definitely NOT an accuser, psychic gossip” (He would not believe an evil report or let people accuse and fill His Savior’s Holy ears and Soul with GOSSIP).


Arrogant Christian Senior Leaders…are have for long in the past and now… are Making Big Many Plenty Wild, Public, Private Accusations without ANY Bible protocol, (Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1, Rev 2:9 ‘the Jezebel’) means YELLING, HOPPING ON THEIR MINISTRY OFFICE CASE minus any RELATIONSHIP PRESERVING RESPECT or ATTEMPT to ISAIAH 1:18 (“negotiate” to preserve “God-pleasing” UNITY IN THE BOND OF PEACE).

Shaming, accusing, mocking, labeling, vilifying, and MORE all of this out in public, again with NO “human relationship honor and respect” seen as Objectifying, murderous reputation accusing, even slander when they refuse to SUBMIT to fellow human person, peer ministry Christian “relating” in the following terms: By pleasantly one-to-one confronting… this is for verifying. Also, all attempts to confront, work differences out should NOT BE DONE for open public display. God’s love covers a multitude of sins, not livestreams them OR uses them to profit (demonic attention-grabbing monetized media).

This is what comes to my mind, OFTEN in light of the most recent famous TV Preacher now scandal. The numerous ‘for profit’ “expose” ‘gossip” lambaste’ perverse lambasting evil.

I will not discuss the Bible verses that tie in, but shall briefly define, but allow to Google Search and study.

A FOR RESEARCH YET HEADS UP  (To train your masses)

CALLING FAMOUS, LOCAL PERSONS out in the Christian, can be or may NOT Be (as each day and each case is different), yet, these COULD be any one more of the following:

  1. The little known penalty for ‘failing to discern the Body of Christ correctly.
  2. Being a Judas for selling out the bro or sis leader for monetized video, guest speaking (money).
  3. “Uncovering Noah’s sins,” the junior, lay, novice, child, elder, more proven ‘Noah’s sins’ (Ham got a life-altering curse).
  4. “Raca” is word cursing, claiming another is “a witch” (placing on Known Witch Lists?), a harlot, a fool, a Jezebel, undermining persons for “not being submitted” whom you have never even spoken to and who are NOT IN YOUR OWN GOVERNING Nouveau wannabe /non-servant move…( or worse). My Bible teaches “holy fear of the Lord, stop word cursing (bragging?).
  5. Similar to (in principle) “risking Hell’s flames.”
  6. Pauline “an ability to truly TRUST the fellowship, elders, the Body 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
  7. To Search: Bible respect for Elders, accusing, bringing a charge before an elder proven, experienced, lifelong Body Elder.
  8. Targeting Fellow book of Acts /Holy Spirit preachers, on TV or not. Showing ‘film clips of them in laying of hands, healing, praying in tongues, casting out devils, people falling out under the Power… THIS IS POSSIBLY UNSAFE as persons now are NOT TRAINED about this “many youth, all ages MUST KNOW about this
Just food for ministry, lay thought



1 Samuel 2:3 (ESV):
“Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.”

PEACE.  THIS CONCLUDES The Search for the Diverse  Christian Ministry Remnant Word

Got any questions? rebuttals? Chief experiences? to confirm any or much of this? Write in please:

Note: This and many more Christian office ministers… main mega, micro point ties in with new article Part 1 “Searching for the Remnant in Diverse Christian Ministry.”

YET… “If no shoe fits, then please do not put one on!”

Also, please let this be made well known:

that.. no matter how much this person raves and rants about all this  I still respect and value these “called out” few humans who do this….. in light of  the Harvest, and national revival, and God’s Sacred Holy Bible Word..

THIS IS ONGOING a James 3:17 fruit abiding, TO ALL ,in concerned, yet “Relationship Respect”  Views of National Isaiah 1:18

“Come let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet He will wash them white as snow..”

TO SUPPORT Lift up in prayer when God reminds you.


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Here are some Bible verses that mention the remnant, in both the King James Version (KJV) and the English Standard Version (ESV):

  1. Isaiah 10:20-21 (KJV): “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God.”
  2. Isaiah 10:20-21 (ESV): “In that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on him who struck them, but will lean on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.”
  3. Romans 11:5 (KJV): “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”Romans 11:5 (ESV): “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.”
  4. Micah 5:7-8 (KJV): “And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.”
  5. Micah 5:7-8 (ESV): “Then the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which delay not for a man nor wait for the children of man. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, which, when it goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and there is none to deliver.”

These verses speak of the remnant as a small, faithful group of people who remain true to God amidst larger, unfaithful populations.

Believers Authority (1960’s -1970s?) has morphed into Modern Day, weak ministry Authoritarian “Control of the Believers”



(C) 2024 Taveau D’Arcy. All copyrights reserved under international copyright law.


“If no shoe fits, then do not proceed to wear one “

Signed, Dr. T


First we must conclude. If a church or ministry is “not” the true, humble, godly remnant, then why do I go? Why do I pay

them my hard-won dollars?

Second Point: How does God feel about our attending, risking our souls (minds, will, emotions plus time), and that of our children, the future, on what is second-rate and potentially eternally damning?

Part 1: Pre-article Christian Ministry Training:

This is based on one of my Dr. Taveau D’Arcy’s historic apostolic trainings, Abiding Relationship Theology. (Note: I am now posting on another website. Soon Soon!)

What and Who is Bible authority, Christian leadership “authentic’ purely “First Church “organic” (meaning: without any added human additives**) **However, am NOT  saying I quality for 100% simply “stirring it up ….to provoke some realism)


TO DO Read the following in light of relationships involved. The Christ, when He was alive on the earth prior to the cruel cross and His victorious resurrection (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). As you read, note Christ in “every relationship” (how He acted and reacted in all that will defrag accusation, the law, and what follows in this article “sin spying” false authority in church!).

Note how Jesus “ACTED” and “REACTED” with His mother Mary, all women, all men, all races and nations, all sinners, all saints, little children, and more. Then you and I act the same way!

Also, the real need for Isaiah 1:18. Also, Luke 1:17: the days of Elijah. (Note the RELATIONSHIP emphasis in both)

ISAIAH 1:18 ESV “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”

A favorite Book of Acts ministries “Bible Verse” The Prophesied” Days of Elijah”
LUKE 1:17 ESV “And he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”



Big Reminder 

Luke 18:8 Jesus said in red letters,

“When the Son of Man comes again, will I find faith in the earth?”


First, you, myself, and each of us Christians must “qualify,” for it’s an option. Would we be called the remnant by God as based on the following significant Bible passages? Ambitious anti-types of “Christian” (2 Timothy 3:1-5/2 Timothy 6:5)? False controlling individuals often use occult white witchcraft, directing, targeting, many discrediting due to size, look, age, race, basic gender, yet vibes, energies, and hearsay rumors. The gossip. All this is minus all relationship to save time for these.

Check out the first church fruit. No relationship valuing (1 John 1:7). No automatic all (Ephesians 1:6). No Ephesians 5:21 to all. No Bible teaching on pure community (Paul, Ephesians 4:1-4). For all, yet the rest of this enormous, heroic transformation chapter.

Plus many rumors. Evil eye far away, dark inner “vibe reading,” diagnosing them, whispering what they “feel” they saw. Then telling and warning (bearing accusing much false witness) to top leaders. Then their hosts of network: local, regional, plus national. Same distinct style, “witch watching,” impure occult huge network. Also, calling many people “witches,” “unsound,” “got baggage,” “offended,” Queen Jezebels’, and “unsubmitted.” Meaning: 1. by far-off impure guessing, 2. false religion reading. It’s like accuser Salem Witch Trials. The historical Puritan WELP use of “spectral evidence,” which is real witchcraft.


1970-80’s Teaching “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus”

More Modern: “We ARE the WORLD leadership ” we are the SELF RIGHTEOUS of no more holy fear of the Lord” “In our hearts we KNOW we’re RIGHT” (apostolic well off steel)


WONDERING…How demonic, unsafe, witchlike, evil, spiritual, biblically unsound might it be to walk into a place marketed as a Bible-believing, born-again Christian body of Christ “True Church” area “ministry” famous face fellowship, and Holy Spirit-quality gifted worship ministry, also “prophetic/apostolic” seeking “ministry”…only to be typecast from way far off, stereotyped en masse by their sly group…based not on “up front” relationships or “chat” discussing “politely greeting… (minus all 1 John 1:7 fellowship qualifications but instead “snap accuser (deep south “knee jerk reactionary) dark suspicious “ministry judged” plus automatically “tried and found guilty” for resembling certain ones whom they dealt with in the past but not the present…

…..As impure, coming to take over, to subvert, possibly to accuse, seduce, or dominate, be a witch…(which is this one mega, micro-famous USA-wide group exact similar ‘accepted, allowed, enabled (expected) participating clueless fruit.

Following that, the appointed office diviners (clubby psychic, temperamental “energy and typecast evil eye readers”) in 2 Kings 6:12, gone haywire into “achievement/occult works,” quickly hurry to report to the top seerish big boss in the supreme king or occult regal queen type of ministry about ‘what they have inner spied’ in the new visitor, angel unaware. Also, it strongly appears that a few of the silent stealth spiritual cult stalkers “inner divine or typecast the person, mostly shes’, the visitor, as a “charismatic witch,” “Queen Jezebel,” or warlock, without even one going up close to interview, to confirm, and to biblically “walk in the light (1 John 1:7) and/or submit to proper Bible one-to-one, in private confront (see Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1 and also top leader, when you feel you ‘have a demonic Jezebel dominator, imposing, false teacher or lay’ (male or female) then you, Church of Thyatira, make an appointment to confront and set him, her, them down (Rev 2).

In Revelation 2:20 (KJV), it is written: “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.”

RAPT ATTENTION…It says to “relate with,” “converse respectfully but firmly, carefully, up front directly with (assessed as being submitted to Matthew 18:15, meek Galatians 6:1, and Rev 2:20 ‘converse, admonish, set down “confront” the ‘imposing person,” and then set them down.

However, the mercy of the Lord and this pure hearted seer apostle, if you are unsure, afraid, squeamish, easily controlled, a wuss, then Matthew 18:16 says to “take someone along with easily frightened …whimpish you.


This “top leader, staff, elders devout clubby lay uses deep entrenched and evil eye, high horse demeaning, intrusive, aggressive, silent, mean contrived stealth which I have repeatedly found in my deep many years of studying this one pristine group to be defiling, hostile targeting witchcraft warring against a new visitor ‘saint’ non-famous Christ peer’ and leader female who has no man with her at the prophetic meeting…(however, …The Christian not into the spirit of ‘religion’ Choice HE, or not a Christian.. may be back at home!)

Because this group, who is not very diverse, who is not as rhythmic, not accustomed to a leader women who is an authority spiritual government, and they each act as if they’ve just seen a mega Queen Jezebel directly to them (assessed that as “paranoid” (victim, us against the supposed them) But actually, it is the false teaching, fathering/mentoring these movements, which were done long before the Holy Spirit “sent me” to test drive on behalf of Himself and the Saints and the Future and also “them” To warn them, to train and very possibly to deliver all of  the Magna Cum Big Shot Like These.


And now I purposely attempt to mentor and to train this one group…

A) Do not stereotype or typecast a single person by look, gender, styles, appearance, race, energy, demeanor…or vibes

B) Check what the Holy Spirit tells you in the deepest part of your heart. However, you are weak, afraid, biased or sworn in cult member (blinded, fully ready to attack a stranger( in my case a Christian ministry, mother in Christ for more than 40 plus years). Then watch out, for the following James 3:17 “myself..anti-Christian word curse, accusing (call it mentoring!)

C) Obverse “See” the new persons, then “regard them by James 3:17 relationship fruit” Also “assess” and “evaluate’ by the same. (AND A PS: each new visitor, repeat attender must also do that “James 3:17 character, relationships respect, pure fruit (non-religious) assessment to you, the top elders, leader, staff, lay, cell group leader.

What’s fair is fair in fellowship 101

Each “monitoring” “observing” ministry leader person go out of YOUR WAY to hero  model James 3:17 “fruit” James 3:17 (KJV): “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”

CHRIST IN POWER AND IN CHARACTER: the Messiah Coming Isaiah 11:2-3

Also note Isaiah 11:2-3 about the foretold Apostle, True Prophet, Evangelist (Good News Spreading)Overseer Pastor in His  (imbued book of acts power Isaiah 11:2

Isaiah 11:2-3 (KJV): “And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:”

And Jesus area  humble Character as He opened operated in signs and wonders, impartation, fellowship, relationships, even with disciples and little children

NOTE: IT IS WISE to befriend, to respect and to be ‘grateful” for each new visitors, keep a watch, but we must cease being “unthankful” like has occurred rampantly in elevated to Big Boss, not in all but basically in this type of accusing main sr ministry (Eli compassion fatigue and it’s Big Boss fruit found in I Samuel 1-3)

Also the identical with your recurring attenders, might be searching for wise, pure, safe, ministry with a “family feel” and that is why I mention all of this! Note Accepted in the Beloved, not suspected as wicked ‘type” (mention dehumanizing, targeting, clique bias but mainly Big CULT PRIDE!)


I just wrote an article on  “The AI and I, “Holy Spirit VS Christian Occult,” who do “view” do, about some of this. Plus, these who “presumptively,” “arrogantly,” with no holy fear of the Lord, read our minds, our souls, and who to seek out my, your innermost “sin,” “thirst.”

They are also putting these same unsuspecting true persons around areas, movement, national big move headquarters when these never once will bring themselves to respectfully relate to another fellow human being in the above already named Scriptures. But also confrontation. To confirm and verify that what guess* (*Bush league try to be Elisha, Kings 6:12!) is true. I list these as in the wrong kind “submission” when all these are unsubmitted and out of order in main ministry to upfront, in private, face-to-face, calm, respectful pastor, ministry confrontation:

 Gates of the City: Ought To Be Protocol

She Repeats the Avoided … Main… Verses
Matthew 18:15-16:ESV: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.”

Galatians 6:1 ESV “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”


…Hero Role model the pure-hearted following.

In James 3:17, true, honest fruit (1 John 1:7).

James 3:17 ESV: “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason(easily entreated KJV), full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”



EVIL EYE MINISTRY (Just in case…)

REALLY BIG WITCHCRAFT (defined beneath)

A king cult, USA wide. Real “controlling” top level, often subliminal, hiding playtime mostly regal true selfish seems “entitled,” also poor me… wannabe big boss “witchcraft.”

KJV I Samuel 15:23, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
Stubbornness is as the sin of idolatry and iniquity.”

ESV I Samuel 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of DIVINATION**, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king.”

**Ezekiel 13, false diviners (a mega chapter)



Exodus 20:7 ESV You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”

Isaiah 56:7 ESV (the original fruit of “Believers Gatherings, fellowship, temple, church ..similar to Hebrews 10:25 in natures My own Submitted Selah)

Apostolic EORR Cross BodyUnity Oversight strongly recommends a ‘re-teaching of the purposes and family family feel ‘fruit of any advertised “Hebrews 10:25 event, the old standard historical views of “‘fellowshipping with the saints

Hebrew Torah Sabbath Worship and Christian New Testament PS read ISAIAH 56:1-7 “Sabbath Blessing Commanded by God on ALL Who Keep the Sabbath”

Hebrews 10:25 Big Contrast
Let’s look backwards for a cultural fruit reverential quality ministry prototype (not meaning to back under the Jewish governing Levitical Law) which was legalistic command to all attend, on a Friday evening to a Saturday (this is over for the Messiah Christ Came).

But now we can view it by the quality kind “holy fear of the Lord” and diverse equally opportunity real respectful “house” fruit.

The Isaiah 56:7 call for now: (note the humility of  fear of the Lord appearing “fruit” on this)

“These I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”


Q. How can a saved Christian senior ministry

take the name of the Lord God in vain?

This in-depth Exodus 20:7 Mosaic “Ten Commandments” meaning is not swearing, cursing out a fellow human being. Rather, it is trading on the use of God’s Holy Name to profit for oneself and/or one’s own Christian ministry.

Disclaimer: We each must realize that “to err is human,” but to mind-read rather than relate, in order to clairvoyantly “inner read the energy, core values, deepest secret thirst,” is to divine and causes God’s punishment. This goes against honorable, trustworthy, mature, Christ-like, save-relationship, respecting, safe, holy fear of the Lord verses such as 1 John 1:7 and the above-mentioned passages. It is false, inexcusable, invasive, leader-defiling, dehumanizing, and debasing, even opportunist and predatory core religion.

And it’s a form of nowadays king “ministry bait and switch.” So I must define this version, the “method” which I describe as “non-servant leader,” yet willfully using and taking the good holy name of the Lord in vain.

How? They are recognized as “Bible believing,” appearing as “born again saved Christians” in a well-respected, recognized, however, tending toward ‘papal” ministry. It is used to getting its way and all of its big and many small bills paid.

One may assess it as “in need of nothing” and arrived. Now this is not all who may appear this way, for it’s by doctrine and much fruit and a cult spirit. Not accusing persons, but addressing the big fruit.

The success and privilege granted to this mega, many micro, however, “non-servant” senior leader, elder, common lay members, is “we are the world and know more!” Check out by the assessed fruit as “non-abiding respect for all based on James 3:17, “The wisdom from above being pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”

Why? For while they advertise their church, fellowship, and major conferences as “Christian,” which then implies “all races, genders, persons wanted, each will equally respected, treated in the Pauline manner,” Ephesians 1:6, “accepted in the beloved,” in an Ephesians 4:1-3, “no big I’s/little you’s respect, and each person walking it out in meekness, lowliness, longsuffering, endeavoring to keep the bonds of peace and unity,” servant leader Apostle Paul.

Also, deferring to all in an Old Testament precept (alluded back to) Isaiah 56:7, the demeanor, the flavor of God’s transformed Holy Spirit diverse community, fellowship, the true church, will genuinely reflect God. As it will be safe, humble, continuing genuine local, national, cross-racial house of prayer for all nations, people.

Ministry significant direct point: The fellowship, church, gathering will need to advertise. It will need to depict what type of group it is. Yet it must accurately and honorably, also honestly and in Bible tradition, fit the criteria of being a true, valued, legitimate, and Bible-based authentic church, ministry, fellowship.

Basic true fruits, beside the normal one of having Jesus Christ as the Savior, etc., would be the character real-life governing and relationship respect fruit.

Such as: Each of the genuine remnant-quality true Christ followers will be trained in this First Church New Testament Pauline form of submission, Ephesians 5:21, “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord,” and 1 John 1:7, “each leader, elder, staff, devout member will walk in the light like Jesus is in the light which reproduces a gathering of like peaceable, kind, and respecting persons, pro-community and family quality feel.

Again: Exodus 20:7, “Do not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. I will not hold them guiltless who take the name of the Lord in vain.”

Q. HOW COULD this core ministry verse pertain to false advertising?

Advertising “reaching out,” “beckoning to come close,” and in Christian ministry advertising it is about “welcome human persons into a safe place where they can get to know the Lord” (as it is implied throughout sane history).

And as this is well-known for thousands of ministry years by the community of both Christians and not, the mere advertising brings to mind a safe place where all kinds of persons, all sizes, looks, ages, income, races, genders, abilities, education, skill, are invited and with that open Christian safe place implied, also general equal value and diverse respect implied.

Then it is using Jesus’ great name to pull in people which it wants to love, give respect, help, encourage, bring into relationship with the Messiah/Christ, and also provide safe and quality leadership, education, and wisdom for parents, teens, children, elders, all races, single, single parents, all women, all men, and all others who are seeking their identity.

Safe, free, diverse, all will be respected by top leaders, founders, elders, staff, and cell groups and lay leaders, cell group leaders.

However, when the many styles of hurting, suffering, inquiring, curious and new visitors, expats, guest Christians, from another NON LP movement come ,they are not genuinely ALL WANTED . In some are “not their preferred” style, type, energy, race, gender, demeanor, age, or income”


A. False advertising: Ephesians 1:6 implies all will be “accepted in the beloved.” But now, in this set group, one must first qualify in order to: 1) be accepted; 2) by the top leaders, staff, elders, genuinely, maturely, civilly respected; 3) and granted the supreme, most high office, leaders, staff their benevolent permission to even chat, say a ‘thank you’ for the good service.

It is that evil and bad, a curable yet stilted, elite, respecter of just pet types of persons totalitarian chief subculture.

They profess to love God and Jesus and be baptized in the Holy Spirit, book of Acts dynamite power, but they do not love anyone other than themselves, skilled, kingly selves.

RADICAL “RESPECTED IN THE BELOVED” (one doesn’t have to “like” a person to give Jesus Christ’s “honest respect

I list my  LEAST favorite Bible verses which God revealed to me during THIS pitiful discovery


(TAKEs TOP PRIORITY )1 (ties in the ISAIAH 1-10 note in the midst of The National Leadership of God’s People “Such”: The “WOE Is 5:20)

The sins of Sodom are described in Ezekiel 16:49-50 (ESV) as follows:

“Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination before me. So I removed them, when I saw it.”

PSALM 137 “Christian Ministry Babylon” (Immature adulterous, conniving BABY-Lon?)

Psalm 137 (ESV): “By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion. On the willows there we hung up our lyres. For there our captors required of us songs, and our tormentors, mirth, saying, ‘Sing us one of the songs of Zion!’ How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill! Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy! Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites the day of Jerusalem, how they said, ‘Lay it bare, lay it bare, down to its foundations!’ O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!”

 Psalm 123:3-4 (ESV) : The King David his far off, hard knocks, “Perception Lesson”

“Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. Our soul has had more than enough of the scorn of those who are at ease, of the contempt of the proud.”

Point: The pure-hearted Psalmist is a “perceiver-discerner” (who may be prophetic Christians, or “perceive experienced non-Christians, who may have repeatedly accused, biased against, abused, and/or persecuted, experienced domestic violence, sexual abuse, ‘controlled’ before they (you or I) met them. I

It’s an accuser (solemn) “backstory” of many persons who went through hell before coming to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and who by now have developed a ‘God’s grace granted gift” as a seer-like protection due to what used to go on in their (stressful big) past.


They who have “endured” (like myself!) and who are able to far away inner perceive, discern “the look,” from another who is filled with occult, accusing, demonic, or cultural “haughty pride, scorn, and superiority,” “their cold ornery Job 41 Leviathan…the accusing spirit of dominating hiding pride.”

A DEMAS (2 Timothy 4:10 a young minister whom Paul said, “Demas left the ministry because he loved the things of this world more”)… aka Vanitas Vanitatum… while the extreme world is going to hell.

They prefer their own mammon, human, sin-conscious, hungry turf.

LEVI? LEVIATHAN? The Job 41 Leviathan, the sneaky spirit of hiding, hard-to-spy, toxic, controlling, superior cultish pride.

2 Friendly Fire Toxic Person’s Groups

Perilous End Times Dysfunctional Not Trustworthy Self Involved untrue persons, Christians, ministers, also clans, cults, churches, ministries, “groups of persons” FRIENDLY FIRE FELLOWSHIPS: (use all of this to TRAIN YOUR PERSONS)

2 Timothy 3:1-5:
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”

I Timothy 6:5 KJV uses “Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.”

1 Timothy 6:5 ESV says, “And constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.”

All of the above directly ties in the Last Days Harvest. For it detracts from God’s holiness, diverse goodness and CHRIST LIKE RESPECT (which many also ‘discern and perceive’ from up close, in the store, wait staff..and in the Christian fellowship, the sr ministry, in the coffee shop, and in business, personal family, REAL LIFE)




“They only want to own me, they never want to know me, none is a friend of mine. (LP) Take it easy!”

Apostle Paul Ephesians 4 True Community …head Chapter 4 Elijah vs. The Word Curse Demonic King Ahab and Queen Jezebel and their Massive False Prophets Network:


“Elijah just wanted God’s national move. They only wanted their position, power, perks, and private, elite turf.

Wondering... What’s the real priority in all of this?

Good training verses:

Acts 10:34 (ESV): “So Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘Truly I understand that God shows no partiality.'”

Ephesians 6:9 (ESV): “Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him.”

Romans 2:11 (ESV): “For God shows no partiality.”


EORR Cross Body Unity Apostle, prophetic Dr. T notes:

While this is strict, on purpose to wake up and to warn, the national Isaiah 1:18 “relationship, mature unconditional forgiveness” is still here at Dr. Taveau Creative Leadership and Equal Opportunity Real Respect Home Turf.

Both of these  approx. 2013-15 “Big Chasing the Dream Ministry” DFW

To contact:


To give: PayPal

PLUS..FOR THE  AMERICAN MISSIONARY FRONT LINES MINISTRY USAGE ..Mail gifts, cards, or donations to: 2764 Pleasant Rd Ste A #635 Ft Mill, SC 29708

(C)2024 Dr. Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, parts in conjunction with Ai





Isaiah 11:2-3 in the King James Version reads:

“And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:”

(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

I, myself, regard these pure portraits of my Savior, the foretold, long-awaited, True Prophet, who would then be “revealed” and “known as” the Christ Messiah in the New Testament.

Isaiah 11:2-3 is a good, clean word to the ministers, mainly the prophets of today, as the Christian community is not one bit unified. This lack of unity is, in part, due to the Christian ministry’s view of the Book of Acts, praying in unknown tongues (for prayer, more), and the goofy, bossy, sly, false, and abusive uses and forces, accusations of the weak, immature, and many “gifted” but untrained or poorly mentored, back-under-the-Law mindset.

Today, through Cross Body Unity, we want to build bridges of understanding without political correctness, Bible compromise, personal view accusation, watering down, denying, bias, or mistaken character and ministry accusing. I want to point out this today.

The different perspectives are my main submitted Selah point. It will also recommend a very different view and tone of our methodology.

This will not call out movements or human persons who believe on either side of this real issue.

Rather, we aim to train to assess, to forever more evaluate preachers, spiritual doctrines, their life fruit, trustworthy character… Meaning? From here on out…



However, it’s the hysteria, making money from it, on demonic character-assassinating mega-tabloid mean videos (which I have written about often and will try to post a link which examines “reproduced life-changing” fruit on the nameless video viewer – see later).

So, I am concerned about ministry tabloid, gossip, hearsay, idiotic Christian-despising name-calling on the multiplied many thousands, hundreds of thousands who watch these reviling, vilifying, and speculative videos.

It is the complete opposite of the tone and methodology of the First Church (where I have asked Chat GPT AI about the First Church Authority – no authoritarians until after cultural Roman and Hellenism infiltrated. It was all from Jesus onward, even Christian marriage – no big I, mutual submission in the fear of the Lord, Ephesians 5:21).

Yet it’s the rabid, avenging tone of blood thirst that I really want to stop.

To do EVERYTHING (Everybody) SERIOUSLY “for the Lord, is to do ALL for the Common Good’


In the summer of 2023, Chat GPT AI stated, “While the first church named false prophets, false teachers, apostles, etc., it kept it among the Christian community. They did not do that before the pagan society.

Second, I pointedly asked the AI if they, first apostles, church, reviled, mocked, and vilified the false prophets, teachers, apostles, etc. It responded, “No,” they did not do word curse, revile, vilify, and lambast.

So take that for what you feel, as before the Holy Lord. I am doing likewise (PS I am in the loving peaceful James 3:17 fruit SPIRIT and know apostle Paul commanded that each one of us should “work out out OWN salvation, with (humble) fear and trembling (as this Eternal sober valid real need to do this)


Again, like breeds like in this. The numbers of similar TMZ tabloid Christian scandal gossip, attacking, calling them wicked, and exposing is a new genre that now outweighs what was pure and really deep on YouTube. It’s a thirst for mammon and well-known Hollywood fame. A treacherous out-in-public Judas gaining money and speaking engagements, more ministry support, fans (all of this is for money), and as the video performers show their viewer numbers, which are in the tens and hundreds of thousands, then we understand that the many viewers are monetized.

I call this Bash for Cash, also “tabloid” forms of The New Leader Christianity, Demas for Dollars. And view it as a new form of prosperity teaching, making big money off of bashing (mostly) prosperity teachers.

Which I never, ever want to do, because I was “there,” in non-mean viewing attending Christian ministry when that now-famous real, no-country-law, diverse, women-are-equal, also-quality without bias, name-calling or too much into the prosperity or (no) papal teaching started. And I will defend them from original white country, not LP, core doctrine beginning. I am a sent person who has been there, really studied all of the mighty media moves today and witnessed the effects on the grassroots, human society, views of following Jesus, view of what the purpose and reasons are for doing that, how Christian office ministry is portrayed, and how it’s now. I was in it, and my mother and sister’s family were graduates of the Rhema Bible Training Center, graduates of Oral Roberts (but I never went there other than to visit and see it for myself when my children were very young). And I always enjoyed attending the ministry representations of it in a local country, more rural white area.

(Note: Even back then, I never thought it was right for myself and the Christian call to lock down into, to sign on officially to any one TV or non-TV Bible-based pure movement. Back then, it was not so loud, not commercial, but it was showing signs of it, and I always sat back and watched, for I was not raised in charismatic, Pentecostal, or moving in the Holy Spirit or under country law.

I am coming from the deepest part within me, a Cross Body Community Diverse Person. The reason? I think broader for the common good, without political correctness, bias, control, or being under the law, like Apostle Paul.

I, myself, regard these pure portraits of my Savior, the foretold, long-awaited, True Prophet, who would then be “revealed” and “known as” the Christ Messiah in the New Testament.

The Isaiah 11:2-3 “foretold Messiah living portrait  is a good, clean word to the ministers, mainly the prophets of today, as the Christian community is not one bit unified. This lack of unity is, in part, due to the Christian ministry’s view of the Book of Acts, praying in unknown tongues (for prayer, more), and the goofy, bossy, sly, false, and abusive uses and forces, accusations of the weak, immature, and many “gifted” but untrained or poorly mentored, back-under-the-Law mindset.

Today, through Cross Body Unity, we want to build bridges of understanding without political correctness, Bible compromise, personal view accusation, watering down, denying, bias, or mistaken character and ministry accusing. I want to point out this today.

The different perspectives are my main submitted Selah point. It will also recommend a very different view and tone of our methodology.

BIBLE STUDY PURPOSES I list the 7 spirits of God Isaiah 11:2 and define, and a few relatable passages

Isaiah 11:2 mentions seven aspects of the Spirit of the Lord:
  1. Spirit of the Lord: This refers to the Holy Spirit, representing God’s presence and power.
  2. Spirit of wisdom: This is the ability to apply knowledge and experience with discernment and insight.
  3. Spirit of understanding: This is the capacity to comprehend and grasp the deeper meaning of things.
  4. Spirit of counsel: This is the wisdom to give good advice and make sound decisions.
  5. Spirit of might: This is strength, power, and ability to accomplish God’s purposes.
  6. Spirit of knowledge: This is the comprehensive understanding of God’s will and ways.
  7. Spirit of the fear of the Lord: This is a reverential awe and respect for God, leading to obedience and wisdom.

These aspects collectively describe the fullness and completeness of the Holy Spirit’s work in the life of believers and in the Messiah.

Other passages that relate to these aspects include:

  1. Wisdom: Proverbs 2:6-7 – “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
  2. Understanding: Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
  3. Counsel: Psalm 16:7 – “I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.”
  4. Might: Ephesians 3:16 – “that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being.”
  5. Knowledge: Proverbs 1:7 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Fear of the Lord: Proverbs 9:10 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight

The Goal is to bear resemblance to the Prophet Jesus not a human carnal man or persons. Too many seek emulate the World Wide Great, and while is understandable, for many true ministers, never had role modeling in parenting, pastoring, bishop-ing and serving Christ..(which is not THEIR FAULT one bit) However, once they mature and realize this, they  “seek God” and “assess, maturely self evaluate (not feel ashamed or condemned about, or “poor me” or less than) But ‘realistic SELF PROOFING can help them in the ministry before God and behind the scenes in family, leaders, ongoing personal even SELF ACCEPTANCE and unforgiveness Big Relationships… Also some will want to seek out fellow pastor, minister, lay for prayer,  deliverance, for person person chatting it out /even venting, finding confirmation, affirmation forgiveness, and/or ” healing /  or more than that.


ALSO I would add The Lone Christ’s Suffering Servant “No Ego” (no King Solomon Fame) huge Portrait  found in ISAIAH 53 (To add big balance to today illusions, Me Centric seen as SPOILED off balance ‘all wise” no holy fear of the Lord ” Modern Day (mostly Play Time) not ALL WHITE Self Me CENTRIC DEMAS 


Demas is mentioned in two passages in the New Testament, both by the apostle Paul.

Colossians 4:14, where Paul refers to him as a fellow worker.

 2 Timothy 4:12 “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica.”


SAYING “POOR YOUTHFUL DEMAS!”… He craved the seacoast of balmy Thessalonica. There he could surf, lie on the beach, look for girls and play extreme sports. Plus being near the beach,where the rich vacationed and spied out new investment property.. there was surely  far more opportunity to “better himself” if he could get out there and  make a lot big money, selling high rises and oceanfront property!

I admit that this passage captures my ministry imagination, for I know REAL LIFE and HUMAN REAL this makes ponder  several possibilities of WHY the gifted young, Apostle Paul trained minister left. I would envision, based on right now, that Vibrant Rising Young Minister   Paul’s Hand hand picked “very carely chosen” Fine Tuned apostolic leader Team.. had grown bored and restless. Plus maybe he wasn’t recognized  or earned enough money and  time off, Perhaps he craved play time,many exciting new perks, as compared to the daily, hourly big drudgery …for it was so slow to move and gain big ground Also there  was too much hard work and demonic warfare.. And surely “leader Top Paul did not look all of that popular profitable, lucrative or “Viewed as Cool and  Successful” for during most of that time period was a mega outcast…also in trouble with the Law, in shipwreck, looking ‘abased, homeless, dysfunctional and TOO HARD WORKING (but for  recognized achievement (all work no high pay) and “poor looking St Paul was continually languishing in a prison cell,  sitting there captive…being “punished” suffering and yet writing


I Submit that for YOU for Homework, Private Perusal and , if needed for training many Ministry Others

SECTION 2 Dissecting Accepted Demonic Teachings Which Affect the Above Mentioned 3 Verses (blue sign)

NEXT CERTAINLY CONTROVERSIAL SECTION: Where I attempt to sort out a few subcultures, even my own experience life abuse, want to control, manipulate and Big Boss..yet each one of THOSE were “saved , born Christians, with a call and heart to do much Good..yet were they TRUE or FALSE in their lives.

Note: For  I am asking this IN MY LIFE about ME and YOU ought ask the FATHER and YOUR OWN CHRISTIAN HEART about ‘”YOU”


This will not call out movements or human persons who believe on either side of this real issue. I will not out Christian movements or human persons who have character assassinated me, targeted me, undermined, and were the Alexander Coppersmiths of the Galatians 1:1-2 profound leader apostle (offscouring style), non-WELP high office. I refuse to do that online or on media. I will advise them and be glad to chat regarding their “ministry theology.” Also, I will advise, even warn or discuss non-accusing, non-biased “True Remnant Loving Pure office, mature ministers, persons about uncovering “false fruit,” but I will never come out to accuse the human persons.

If I rarely list a TV effect mammoth tongue-talking or not “movement” which has occult, WELP, sin-spying law false teaching, I share this way “purposely.”

QUOTE: “I do not know or walk in the shoes of that FAMOUS WELL-KNOWN mostly WELP GROUP; however, I do know LIFE, and I am sent to know the “Grass Roots Floor,” which is heavily saturated with famous TV and local area prominent Christian-ese faces. I note the TOP as best I can, and what I consider is the following: “I DO NOT KNOW what goes on the VERY MEGA worldwide fame Top. I do not really want to or have to. I am a servant leader, first and foremost (I love it).

YET I can tell by the fruit of who and what I encounter, what happens, occurs very often is that WELL-MEANING TOP CHRISTIANS are clueless about character, persons portraying WHAT THEY BELIEVE THEY HEARD from the Great Top Person, plus the lies, rumors, and ministry scuttlebutt in the VAST BIG SPECULATION and ORNERY WEAK WUSS (Immature Gossip) at the Grass Roots, and around the big Community.

Rather, we aim to train to assess, to forever more evaluate preachers, spiritual doctrines, their life fruit, trustworthy character… Meaning? From here on out…








Avoid Untrustworthy Back Biting Ministry, Mean Dysfunctio
Assessed as Paul 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5

Sr  Ministry Authority Taveau D’Arcy

However, it’s the hysteria, making money from it, on demonic character-assassinating mega-tabloid mean videos (which I have written about often and will try to post a link which examines “reproduced life-changing” fruit on the nameless video viewer – see later).

So, I am concerned about ministry tabloid, gossip, hearsay, idiotic Christian-despising name-calling on the multiplied many thousands, hundreds of thousands who watch these reviling, vilifying, and speculative videos.

It is the complete opposite of the tone and methodology of the First Church (where I have asked Chat GPT AI about the First Church Authority – no authoritarians until after cultural Roman and Hellenism infiltrated. It was all from Jesus onward, even Christian marriage – no big I, mutual submission in the fear of the Lord, Ephesians 5:21).

Yet it’s the rabid, avenging tone of bloodthirst that I really want to stop.


In the summer of 2023, Chat GPT AI stated, “While the first church named false prophets, false teachers, apostles, etc., it kept it among the Christian community. They did not do that before the pagan society.

Second, I pointedly asked the AI if they, first apostles, church, reviled, mocked, and vilified the false prophets, teachers, apostles, etc. It responded, “No,” they did not do word curse, revile, vilify, and lambast.

So take that for what you feel, as before the Holy Lord.

Again, like breeds like in this. The numbers of similar TMZ tabloid Christian scandal gossip, attacking, calling them wicked, and exposing is a new genre that now outweighs what was pure and really deep on YouTube. It’s a thirst for mammon and well-known Hollywood fame. A treacherous out-in-public Judas gaining money and speaking engagements, more ministry support, fans (all of this is for money), and as the video performers show their viewer numbers, which are in the tens and hundreds of thousands, then we understand that the many viewers are monetized.

I call this Bash for Cash Christianity, Demas for Dollars. And view it as a new form of prosperity teaching, making big money off of bashing (mostly) prosperity teachers.

Which I never ever want to do, because was “there” in non mean viewing attending, Christian ministry when THAT NOW FAMOUS REAL (no country law, diverse, women are equal also QUALITY without bias, name calling or “too much into the prosperity or (no) papal teaching started, And I will defend them from ORIGINAL White Country “NOT LP” core doctrine beginning. I am a SENT PERSON who has been there ,really studied all of the MIGHTY MEDIA MOVES today and witnessed the effects on the 1) the grass roots 2)human society 3) views of following Jesus 4) view of what the purpose and reasons are for doing that 5) how “Christian office ministry” is portrayed and how it’s now 6) I was in it and my  mother and sister’s family, were graduates of the Rhema Bible Training Center / Grad of Oral Roberts (but I never went there other to visit and see it for myself, when my children were very young) And I alway enjoyed attending the ministry representations of it in local country, more rural white  area.

 FOR THOSE INTERESTED: after my father passed, Sister and Mother moved to Tulsa and went to Bible college. I was in ministry in Central VA and felt the call to go to Bible College or seminary somewhere. So I asked the Lord about it. He responded and told me “Do not go to one of those” instead a Bible verse which I have in depth  followed,”You will have not need that any man shall teach you, but the Holy Spirit will be your teacher. ” Home Schooled by the Holy Spirit ** ‘But forsaking fellowship, asking questions, ministry gathers, much church attendance, Bible training from ministries God wanted to study, but not join, from media, tapes, seasons of conference, and prayer, hanging out with the Most High God 24/7/365 (grabbing few minutes or hours during the busy days) One should realize that I was raised immersed in big network of family parents, grand parents major, non compromising, (but nice! happy!) Bible Scholars in a Billy Graham Christian Environment, so , by osmosis, I knew a lot of the Word of God and could Christian and ministry discern pretty well “wrong vs  right, true or country law, other doctrines. (THIS WAS GOD’S GRACE I could have achieved it was Provided through the Bible Teaching THEM plus their pure character and sincerely example pure hearts) that I put in the functional college educated inquiring Unsung midst. “to know whatever” for such a Time as CHRISTIAN-ESE THIS”


Note: Even back then, I never thought it was “right” for myself and the Christian call to lock down into, to sign on officially to any one TV or non-TV Bible-based pure movement (back then it was not so loud, not commercial but it was showing signs of it, and I always sat back and watched, for I was not raised in charismatic, Pentecostal, or under country law. But I did grow up raised by Christians who were not accusing, maligning, gossiping, nor racists or into the “one style only” of politics. They loved each, and both sister and first-born self were raised in Billy Graham’s “fear of the Lord” and not back under the OT governing big boss acquiring name-calling + “thou shalt not (you lesser, evil, witchy little woman) type of law. (Dad was a calm, non-flame-thrower seminary grad, deep south kind of (low key) cessationist, but as some want to make this a huge divisive big issue… FYI, it was not any real issue at all, and all we leader women received the books of Acts gifts and power later, but it was his not to do so; we all accepted as “his choice” and he accepted, respected “mine” “ours”. So, I still respect, value, and accept it when many persons do not want to go deeply into the Holy Spirit book of Acts. That is fine and is supposed to be every person’s own choice. No problem over here and EORR CBU.

All of this means that I am, from the deepest part within me, coming to do this and to all of you with a true, experienced, seasoned, and long life Cross Body Community Diverse Ministry and Personal (non-biased) Perspective. Reason? I think “broader” for the common good, without PC, bias, control, or being under the law, like Apostle Paul.

I do not want to think small. But I am very quiet and quite small in the light of mega Christian ministry.

That is okay, and I am truly “area” Godly contented. To Him give all of the honor and submitted glory about any, all, each of this to my loving great God!

Note to all: I was raised under a lot of ‘my own’ governmental pressure, my mother, and my paternal grandmother, and I did not realize that I was being lovingly, maturely well-intentioned, but the firstborn for 8 years and being “practiced upon” like happy, smothered, not abused, or seen as dysfunctional. However, whatever it was, it’s not my daddy, but it set me up to be controlled by dysfunction. I understand all was well-meaning, but many Christians, pastors, and good dominating people must have been raised by wolves.

However, I was not; I was raised by pastors and gently in favorable, healthy parenting and pastoring ministry. However, the devil knew that I would do all of this, so God set me up to know the turf of mega, micro, personal family master manipulators, stone-wallers, major avoiders, silent treatment-seasoned major expert deliverers, major Queen Jezebel spies praying against hers, and lying rumor-mongers who preferred to ‘inner read me’ to pronounce this person as wicked “in sin.” These “empire offices” accuser jumped me in public (per there usually, without warning, zero relationship, not my authority or movement, nor ONE TIME Matthew 18:15, one to one meekly Galatians 6:1) confronted (1996 Central VA, 2003 Central VA, 2010 Dallas Texas outskirts).

Yet, this high-valuing, EORR-respecting, plus quality human person of God is not a self-justifying, self-preserving, also false “office” jittery wimp. And surely, while it registered shock, horror at Christ’s “Christian ministry behavior” and self-seeking “pride,” it caused ME to self-examine, to see if I were the cause, but also to curiously examine these “doctrines” all of which turned to add to the growing now powerful, undercover false teaching of WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchy, LMatriarchy which might be Deep South Shepherding real movement, Salem Witch Trials “Spectral Evidence anti-woman) also due to the old deliverance ministries movement and “apostles in the gates of the city” move gone awry by the toxic Big Boss white “celebrity PC wannabe (seen as ‘the apostolic, tongue-talkers, good pure worship… also deep south moves) and I still deeply ‘them’ as for being Humans, that Christ died for and loves, but I name these as false prophets based on the white witchcraft, so much cult-like, majorly controlling and diabolical “unbiblical” false mixed in the partial truth ‘fruit” CHARACTER and FELLOWSHIP TURF OWNING BIASED CONTROL. Cult not Diverse Pauline COMMUNITY (not Ephesians 5:21 to all nor Ephesians 4:1-4, James 3:17 in ministry, I John 1:7 “off in this quite a bit unless YOU fit their “preferred” type… which I do not as I am NOT an LP Slave Owner but far more diverse, Classic Bible Theology and not in warring occult “under the name of Christ and His Holy Spirit).

Yet, despite all of the dysfunction and undue (no confrontation to verify, to confirm OR to get to know via “Christian to Christian RELATIONSHIP a fellow minister, peer, person, but I deeply understood and now truly comprehend that I set them all off (JUST THIS ONE TYPE OF SEER GONE WILD) to study it, know about it, to find out about myself, God’s true doctrine and to WARN THE SAINTS and non-occult SEEKERS about ALL THIS as is ENORMOUS, EXPECTED, ELITE, ACCEPTED, and DYSFUNCTIONAL.

However, this person, who also is a she, SURVIVED and genuinely realizes that “there for the grace of God could I too have gone” for THIS RESPECTING ABIDING in James 3:17 friendly, reserved, approachable PURE FRUIT was “holy fear of the Lord” reared also “other-deferring”… albeit in the midst of “FAVOR,’ not degradation or mean abuse or double-minded power playing or more, even worse, MEANING: so that the God in me can shake it off, can grow and improve and spy GOOD among the dross. (which I do!).

As I was NOT raised “under the Law“… with a happy daddy who respected his mother, my mother, her mother, and all leader and lay women and men and all races. Again, this was by God’s Grace… Over the course of this more than 20 some years of gradual increasing discovery, I came to know that I was “THERE” to discern and doctrinally address, but learn HOW TO BE from the non-mean ministry ‘authoritarian’ them and HOW NOT TO BE, which I want to pass along to YOU to encourage the many of YOU to do what is pure and right.

Notice: I had never been “NOT FORGIVEN” until I ran into this Tough Guy prone often diminishing BIG subculture, I had even stereotyped, typecast, or coven-like ‘target monitored, stared down, called a J word and a Witch by ANYONE in a CHRISTIAN or NON-CHRISTIAN cultural or personal sense BUT I WAS “WHILE ON DUTY IN GOD’S SERVICE” by these, who are not all empire well-known, but seeking to be in their corners. FOR THEY OWN THE FIRST CHURCH BOOK OF ACTS, SEEMING WORSHIP MANAGING CHIEF WELLS.

Yet I owe it to God (I greatly owe HIM) that as I realized I had problem been spared a LOT of many of these had apparently been through, and had survived to “preach the Good News” that I could go to the Lord His Help to see them “through the Father’s Eyes”..I had much UNDESERVED REAL GRACE in my heart and Life BECAUSE I learned it from both of my parents and their parents and my dear Aunt on mothers side..



**Take that as ‘ministry food for your thoughts


However, I  need to repeat that I was NOT  raised in much mean accusation, hardcore cruel play time mayhem NOR in  disrespect, NOR amidst name calling, tale bearing or abusive..none of that (TILL LATER ONE) did I once incur in my On Fire Saint, Pick Up the Cross Life time (until age 30) ANY of what is usually ‘common” family or ministry..unjust also  toxic behavior. So I forgave, “”Father forgive any of them, and myself..for the witch watchers, accusers and “dysfunctional  high style Demas” “knew not whom they were doing WHAT TO. But I deeply realized it  and God knew. that those  were false, untrue persons, in leadership and devout occult lay

Yet (on behalf of many) this far child of the most High God..has been repeatedly aggressed by these practitioners precept all of that majorly “perverse” Wiccan as wicker twisted psychic ministry and its leader, lay evil eye divining defiling, invasive, overly aggressive, intrusive.. wicked dysfunctional warfare is misogynist and anti the fruit and cause of the risen false governing many ambitious, the quasi-papal, easily too spooked somewhat authority amidst false teaching which produces demonic.



However, God allowed me to discover, get warred against, BY FELLOW PEERS many states..due to FALSE DOCTRINES the MEGA MANY practitioners each “special one’ wanting to the NEXT WORLD WIDE FAMOUS *surely wealthy SIMILAR “IT”.


Yet all of this goofy white stuff  but it only made me wise and more fierce in discussing why many people no longer go to church, drop out of ministry, as there is a lot of hostile pride, weak, impure, dysfunctional emotionally unhealthy. 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 Timothy 6:5, “From such flee,” also the Psalm 144 “strange children” Prophet David warned us about, also the biggest percentage in all of this, all of many these and in the family who persecuted and avoided any and all Isaiah 1:18 “relationship respect to preserved the Christian mature relationship, were/still is a vast group in America and elsewhere, the hard-minded but usually winning, big gifted and majorly talented, and most of these are high called. My favorite and most damning controlling avoidant ministry, life toxic realm, God’s people who oppose themselves, which I name God’s prized and worthy yet MTC (mentally tough customers, also word curse, spiritual, mental, physical power play to dominate and control) these precious, dear, are they truly saved? Yet dull and blind, God’s mentally tough customers. Coming topic, “The People Who Oppose Themselves.”

many others but another time


2 Timothy 2:24-26 (KJV): “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”

And love HIS APPROVING, SERVANT TOUGH  LOVE.. to all of these

Born again  Egyptians, living in DeNile

(as that is MY Big Ministry Divine Appointment view on all of this)

Sincerely, TD 

To Err is Human.. to Use Invasive Seer Occult witchcraft Control to Divine” Sister T


This Tik Tok showed proof that Believer in North Korea are given the death penalty for owning a Bible. Plus if they are found, the imprison ALL FAMILY, FRIENDS and even the CHILDREN (hence this toddler shown

SO SAY A PRAYER whenever it comes often to your mind..

AND YOU CAN  Make Up A Plan: “The Heartbreak, Pressure Plan”

YOU, I “TRY TO DO THAT whenever it “comes to you’ to do it..PLUS when, you feel at your wits’ end due to stress, never-ending problems, suffering, pain, fear, pressure, disease, cruel poverty, emotional drama, violence, loneliness, self-pitying… plus the world shaking, then switch over the “TV channel” in your Jesus-accepting Christian brain to willfully pray for these… all people persecuted, ministry persons accused subgroups (ask God to show you the ones he is assigning you specifically to pray for (on your list for we cannot take it all on, it’s so intense, so awful, and immense).


ONE OF MY OWN pray for : Google the UGYUR MUSLIMS genocide, extremely tortured and imprisoned

TO SUPPORT PLEASE PRAY FOR ME and THE WORK and HEAVENLY DOWNLOAD (most wisdom, protection His Vision PRO Vision  Thanks!


(C)2024 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with ai.





“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Stubbornness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry” I Samuel 15:23Sr Pastor Taveau, Cross Body Unity, founder leader (to be non biased, objective)

(C)2024 Dr Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved under international copyright laws in conjunction with Ai



Know ye all: this is only a partial tip of the well-known occult iceberg. Occult is basically to control, to gain for self or for one’s personal cause, turf… thus, it is relationship affecting, which then, in turn, is actively related ongoing Christian community to the church, a ministry, and all relationships in a ministry fellowship that practices either true and fair or false doctrine and/or a mixture (like most these which follow).

Be they true or untrue, most of the time (for 30 plus years), I believe they are ignorant, poorly mentored, went off somewhere along the line, got into peer influence, temptation, and were/are very well-intentioned, be they not white witchcraft or ornery sly dominating, sin-spying mean accusing and/or using false authority (manipulating, cunning, betrayal rather up-front directly confront, plus far away psychic mind divining, human person deviling, invasive and hardened witchcraft demonic targeting, praying against, unseen biased… evil eye, always silently hiding, watching… big boss sly occult.

Again, this may be either unknowingly or intentionally (however, I do not believe many of these silent gifted do any of this mean stuff intentionally). So I am correcting basically the 2 Kings 6:12 office-type mega-micro-enormous king and subsequently queenly type of “office prophetic” well-liked movements. I submit it all in Selah (pause and evaluate) but not hard-core dogma. Also, and only if any shoe fits, should anyone wear (as it my continuing non-Bible thumping, non-authoritarian but persuasive, however up-front and direct same style).

Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Apostolic Ministry Heads Up: Please realize that I would go farther and deeper on this doctrinal discussion, I have and I prefer to make many direct ministry reproving main points, also to use big deep Scriptures (all of this I have repeatedly through the many years). But we’re in a new type of day and it’s increasingly more spooky, more cult follower domination and perverse and voyeuristic, misogynist targeting, defiling many lying deceptive game-playing mean vanities as also white witchcraft occult.

And a power lot of this is found among the born-again saved, moving in the Book of Acts supposedly Bible big gifts. More later, but for now, we choose to begin, using the more (seen as still rather ministry objective Chat GPT Ai, I note the date as March 17, 2024, as Ai is known to be subject to change and I mean biased against, soon changed.

Therefore, I asked Mr, MS, Quasi It …deep search Chat GPT Ai a stated question, then got its basic answers, and post the dialogue here. I credit the partial use of Ai. But I also put in many of my original apostolic concepts.

Much more core, foundational, apostolic authority correcting, reforming (also celebrating) much later.

Miss T states: “Subliminal, ministry ‘subjective’ (as it’s hard to understand, to spy). However, it’s hallmarked by the group’s lack of healthy Bible knowledge and wiccan. It’s twisted, perverted, often by mistake, governing authority (reason? to control or constrict). For example, “wicker” furniture is made from wood that is twisted to suit one’s own purpose. It’s I Samuel 15:21 witchcraft (well-intentioned rebellion) also has a marked absence of the following:

  • It has no real love..for it’s about them ‘performing’ “special” type of “selves’ their “gifts,” their “talents” “their” ministry renown, and undue famous “selective Turf”…and all varieties of new, magnificent, wonderworking…however,  fleeting, passing, temporal and vapid, assorted  “Demas” big and very small “stuff.”
  • It doesn’t truly ‘respect equally” therefore it doesn’t  “relate” or genuinely “value” AND regard “ALL” equally, clearly biased, hence a sign I John 1:7 ‘watchful warning.” Also refuse to up-front confront (accuse, false witness, target their perceived opponents) without relating, chatting, asking to confirm their many dark suspicions, thus noting these as a ‘sly movement’ do not submit to God’s whole Bible counsel which includes one-to-one, private, relational, respectful confronting (to verify). Thus, no Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1.
  • It has NO (practically zero) abiding authentic TRUE  “holy fear of the Lord” which Christ had in Isaiahs 11:2-3.”the holy fear of the Lord” is the “beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).  And the beginning of Ephesians 4 Diverse Community all “submission and authority”  (Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord ” walking it out in Body Unity Ephesians 4:1-4..’honoring the fathers and also mothers, other movements, other faiths, and whispered relationshipsMY CBU TEACHING ASIDE: Here is a Scripture idea…on how to train modern leaders, staff, lay and youth: “HOW ACQUIRE THE HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD which is leader missing and makes things pretty rough in these Pauline Perilous Last Days. ( I found this in 1980s, in my 20’s and it has repeatedly challenged me and radically kept me and transforms me, also my theology perspective SEE PROVERBS  2:1-5 (note it has to do with attaining, making money/income) also Psalm 118:4-8 “dull and blind accusing woe” (see Isaiah 5:20) ministry.
  • It has no resounding, remaining “usual” noticeable laugh (No Jesus Type of true joy Hebrews 1:9). Rather it keeps watch for devils and dysfunctional persons. I sagely advise, a new Visitor to one of this ” keep alert for the “scowls of false doctrine,” mean possible hiding, sly accusing, talebearing entrenched leader Phariseeism, various forms of occult ‘witch watching/targeting, praying against’ (my own apostolic term).
  • It may be mild or major, but there is a ever present ripple, the undercurrent to monitoring specific persona and targeting…overseer planted lay, staff.. continually smugly darkly ‘watching” but never (Baptist, Denominational kind, Jesus Like Conversation and “willing to relate. And I find this “watching” to be cult like to control and evil eye sinister  for I ‘trigger” when /if I visit one of this “witch watching” pc charismatic Systems..but NO PLACE ELSE EVER IN MY LIFE..
  • I then have studied it back. Had it confirmed (one in Tampa FL, when I spoke at prophetic non system multicultural church. After the music conference was over, I had the pastor comment to me” “That “famous  Ministry Group’ keeps a ‘witch list in their home offices.” I new that local ones do, but I felt was a prophetic confirmation. (and I have thought and hard about it as it seems SO UNFAIR to be “occult far away scanned, defiled, never once related, spoken to, or interviewed, much less deemed “worthy ” as a fellow Church, Prophet, Pastor, minister, Peer to be “one to one in private up front BIBLE PROTOCOL Matthew 18:15-16 “talked to “and Galatians 6:1 meekly leader (respectfully, calmly, directly )”confronted’..and I call all of the emotional dark drama and ceaseless ducking avoiding Ministry INTRIGUE as “accusing /false witness, talebearing, underming and word cursing JESUS for He said the Principle” If they do it for the least of these, they do it unto Me..” which can imply if you PICK ON SOME ONE, TARGET, EVEN REPEATEDLY using HOLY SPIRIT, CHRIST’S HOLY NAME TO DO IT. then YOU are  doing it to JESUS Himself and “causing many family curses to come down UPON YOU and YOUR CHRISTIAN MINIONS
  • HOW DO I KNOW TO SAY THAT “Failing to discern the body of Christ correctly” brings 2 curses .”Gossiping about elder sin “exposing Noah’s Nakedness “it brought a big life altering curse on the arrogant dishonoring”no holy fear of the Lord “surely God gifted, future minister, leader, prophet “his SON”
  • As I realize that God’s gift in me “Triggers’ all of this demonic sin spying, divining, forever dark ‘evil eye” type of  watching, “I call it “Deep Scanning” and  sin-conscious “prophetic paranoia” however, I notice, it as SENT Prophet, but view as my “GOD SELF DEFENSE to realize that I am being OCCULT CRAZYMATIC ELITE WITCH CRAFT “attacked’ which extremely dark,  unpleasant “arrogant” but infantile, mean, superior haughty (and to me FOOLISH, as not “normal” servant elders, also Sr office Billy Graham,(all  Black ministers(my experience) , white Baptists,Catholics and spirit filled who are NOT INTO THIS assessed as “dysfunction” also NOT (TO ME) in MOST PERSONS  OF ALL RACES  and NOT JESUS and PAUL, , Rather I pronounce this Accusing Goofy Prying Fruit as “entitled celebrity Cult Like”and say “BAH HUMBUG” …as  it’s all Play Time, toying with many peoples LIVES, MINISTRIES, SOULS and these will brought down and corrected by the Lord..not this myself.Also these are . NOT DIVERSE ( which I am).so I regard it be like Celebrity Famous Christian Denzel Washington who commented” “Some people will never like you..because YOU TRIGGER THEIR DEMONS “and I am convinced of that.
  • OF COURSE we have removed from the ornery midst, but I am forgive, just have to protect myself and this world wide unsung SR OFFICE .. “Isaiah 1:18 “relationship perspective” is ME.
  • AND ALL OF THIS and much much more..from Central VA on, makes me feel for the New Visitor, the Atypical Naive, true person, the Lone Woman, the teen, the expat and the seekers and many curious.
    HENCE I want to consult the CHAT GPT AI to get another objective point of view (NOTE which I proof, qualify, add to as I DEEPLY KNOW THIS OCCULT WARFARE TOPIC in the Bible. (not just asking an AI and not CHECKING IT OUT FOR “ERROR” and /or New demonic “bias” changes, .but for today I feel fine doing this yet I qualify it all alone the way. (I am very careful NOT PERFECT but truly careful)



Q. How can we tell the difference between ministry of the Holy Spirit and occult?

Chat GPT A: Responds: 

Distinguishing between the ministry of the Holy Spirit and occult practices involves understanding their fundamental differences in nature, purpose, and effects. Here are some key points to consider:

Source: The Holy Spirit is understood to be the third person of the Trinity, sent by God to guide, empower, and sanctify believers. His ministry is based on the truth of the Bible and leads people to a deeper relationship with God. Occult practices, on the other hand, typically involve seeking supernatural power or knowledge from sources other than God, such as spirits, forces of nature, or hidden powers.

Purpose: The ministry of the Holy Spirit aims to glorify God and edify believers. It produces fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). In contrast, occult practices often focus on personal gain, power, or control, and can lead to spiritual bondage and harm.

Effects: The ministry of the Holy Spirit brings spiritual transformation and empowerment for righteous living. It leads to freedom from sin and a deeper intimacy with God. Occult practices, however, can lead to spiritual deception, confusion, and bondage. They may offer temporary experiences or powers but ultimately lead away from God’s truth.

Discernment: Discerning between the ministry of the Holy Spirit and occult practices requires spiritual discernment and knowledge of God’s Word. The Bible warns against involvement in occult practices (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Galatians 5:19-21) and emphasizes the importance of testing all spirits to see if they are from God (1 John 4:1).

Fruit Inspection: Jesus said, “You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). The ministry of the Holy Spirit produces fruit that aligns with God’s character, while occult practices often produce destructive or deceptive outcomes.

In summary, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is characterized by its source in God, its alignment with God’s Word, its focus on glorifying God and edifying believers, its transformative effects, and its production of spiritual fruit. In contrast, occult practices rely on sources other than God, are often focused on personal gain or power, can lead to spiritual harm, and are contrary to God’s truth as revealed in Scripture.

Apostolic Taveau Requests of Chat GPT
Q. Define witchcraft in Bible, using KJV examples and Greek, Aramaic definitions, key examples
ChatGPT Responds

A. In the Bible, witchcraft is often associated with the practice of sorcery, divination, and the manipulation of supernatural forces for personal gain or control. The term “witchcraft” can be found in various forms in different translations of the Bible. In the King James Version (KJV), the word “witchcraft” is primarily translated from the Hebrew word “kashaph” (כָּשַׁף) and the Greek word “pharmakeia” (φαρμακεία).

  1. Hebrew Definition: The Hebrew word “kashaph” (כָּשַׁף) refers to the practice of sorcery, witchcraft, or the use of magic. It is often associated with the idea of using spells or enchantments to manipulate or control events or people. One example of this is found in 2 Chronicles 33:6, where King Manasseh is condemned for practicing witchcraft among other sins: “And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.”
  2. Greek Definition: The Greek word “pharmakeia” (φαρμακεία) is where we get the English word “pharmacy” from. In the context of the Bible, it is often translated as “witchcraft” or “sorcery” and refers to the use of drugs, potions, or magical spells. It can also imply the use of these substances or practices in idolatrous worship. Galatians 5:20 includes “witchcraft” in a list of works of the flesh, indicating it as a sinful practice: “Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies…”

Overall, the Bible condemns witchcraft as a form of idolatry and rebellion against God, warning against its practice and associating it with spiritual deception and danger.



All of this is good; however, this is why we must attempt to know the Bible for ourselves and to proofread and read over each AI. Purpose: I know this hot topic very well, well enough to understand it left a key main “witchcraft verse,” which is 1 Samuel 2:23.

I SAMUEL 15:23 KJV “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.”

And many see “King Saul consulting ‘the wrong supernatural power source” (witches at Endor) as part of this

However today CHAT GPT Ai says the Following:

In this verse, Samuel is rebuking Saul for his disobedience to God’s command to utterly destroy the Amalekites and their possessions. Samuel equates rebellion with the sin of witchcraft, emphasizing the seriousness of disobedience to God’s commands. He also likens stubbornness to iniquity and idolatry, highlighting the gravity of persisting in disobedience and refusal to repent.


I knew about this more or as the TODAY Chat GPT Ai seemed to know about it. So I asked it THIS QUESTION below and list it’s RESPONSE



Q. Was King Sauls untimely death related to his consulting the “witches at Endor?”
ChatGPT Ai replies:

Yes, according to the Biblical account in 1 Samuel, King Saul’s untimely death is related to his consulting the witch or medium at Endor. Saul had disobeyed God and consulted the medium to seek guidance, as he was desperate for divine help before a battle against the Philistines. The medium summoned the spirit of the prophet Samuel, who prophesied Saul’s impending defeat and death. This event marked the final turning point in Saul’s reign, leading to his death in battle against the Philistines.

Taveau D’Arcy interjects to comment:

TD NOTES: There is a huge need to “fruit inspect” also for the “true wisdom from above for this tiny meaty verse mighty as it helps in discernment of respectful relationships in a fellowship, or not, but also in Christian, ministry, secular, or cultish many diverse subgroups.

Below is a huge assessment, discernment, and mature evaluation basic test, which also helps each pure-hearted true believer to winnow out the many voices (1 Corinthians 14:10 KJV Paul) that are significant. Test the inside many thoughts, voices, recurring impressions, dreams, visions, counsel, prophecies, media, nightly news, and you and me ourselves by the inner witness to God’s Holy Spirit (see the “Test Fruits” beneath).

James 3:17 Peaceful Fruit: A) in All Relationships Fruit plus B) What you “inner perceive/feel, a presence, impression” ongoing. as you get to know them, hear their prophecies, Get a word, sit under their leadership teachings, etc


The wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, easily intreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy” (note mainly “easily intreated, without partiality, without hypocrisy”



Paul in  2 TIMOTHY 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind



WICCAN, WITCHCRAFT RELATED TO “WICKER FURNITURE” which is twisted and shaped into what the person wants for themself.


WICCAN AND DRUGS. I realize that this NOT THE BIG HOT  TOPIC TODAY  but ties in with counterfeit desire for control, supernatural side of Life (power and deep peace)

NOTE: WICCAN is also related to “pharmaceia” drug use (drugs (if not medically prescribed) are mainly to escape reality and avoid or block pain. They are counterfeit to turning to the Lord, getting into the prayer real and supernatural power /healing balm real realm of “praise and deep prophetic worship’ ” moving in the gifts of the spirit’ “laying on the hands ” (all of this with sound mature Bible training and qualified elders, leaders, ministry offices)

Historical Bible “WICCAN” =s many types of leader, lay, elder, young REAL REBELLIOUS “WITCHCRAFT.

I SAMUEL 15:23 KJV “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

 As 1 Samuel 15:23 reminds us ‘(any, all forms of inner, outer, rebellion” is to GOD a “witchcraft”

Thus WICCAN (real witchcraft, any Christian form) is a type, an act, of participating  ‘rebellion” turning away  from God to seek Power , Strength, Might, Force…from a counterfeit “source” (but just for the true born again person)

John 16:13  KJV “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

ASIDE JOHN 16:13 “when” “if” the might Holy “Spirit of Truth” truly comes (for those Christians who are born again and have free gift of the  Dunamis Fruit and Supplied (Isaiah 11:2) power of Holy Spirit (with or without praying in the Holy Ghost)..then HE will supply all calm, peace protection, might and supernatural power.

It is using false ‘methods” ‘actions” “internal soulish prayers’ to get “ones way” Mainly in Christian ministry and persons false doctrine it is used to GET SOMETHING from someone {mesmerize, play, avoid, use, cult control, or manipulator, withstand, withhold approval, affection, money and MORE) to GET ANOTHER “PERSON” to do, to BE what they each want, to resort to sly, hidden spiritual, emotional or peer pressure skilled FALSE  CONTROLLING TOP AUTHORITY  to get what THEY WANT or feell that they DESERVE, however it is for THEIR OWN SELFISH PURPOSES (not for the most High Mega Gods” 

“A MIND STICKER” ...WICCAN is like WICKER..WICKER  WOOD FURNITURE..which is God formed natural wood, which intentionally saturated and twisted to suit mercenary and /or personal PURPOSES









TD Q. to Chat GPT:

Q. What would be warning signs if a “Christian ministry ” is in false religion, spirit of witchcraft, occult?

Chat GPT Ai Responds:

There are several warning signs that may indicate a Christian ministry is veering into false religion, the spirit of witchcraft, or the occult. Here are some key indicators to watch for:

Distorted Doctrine: The ministry teaches doctrines that are clearly contrary to orthodox Christian beliefs as outlined in the Bible. This could include denying essential Christian teachings such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, or salvation by grace through faith.



(As this is why I have often FOUND as a big silent HALLMARK) This first one: Exclusivity and Control: The ministry demands exclusive loyalty and control over its members, discouraging or condemning interaction with other Christian groups or churches.



Emphasis on Signs and Wonders: While signs and wonders can be legitimate manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s work, an excessive focus on miraculous experiences without a strong emphasis on biblical teaching and character transformation can be a warning sign.

Secretive Practices: The ministry engages in secretive rituals or practices that are not transparent or consistent with biblical teaching.

Manipulation and Fear Tactics: The ministry uses manipulation, coercion, or fear tactics to control or manipulate its members, rather than relying on the love and grace of God.

Financial** Exploitation: The ministry places an undue emphasis on financial giving, using guilt or manipulation to extract money from followers.

** FUTURE CHURCH Exploitation WARNING …for Ambitious Craven even Bible Quoting huge Society is as it “is” and Sister TD NOTES UNDER THIS : I Samuel Eli and Both pastor sons 1-2 “repeatedly exploited leader women and Gods’ offerings. Right now it could men, youth, children and infants 


CHAT GPT AI continues..
Lack of Accountability
: The ministry lacks accountability structures or oversight, with a single leader or small group of leaders having unchecked authority.

Rejection of Biblical Authority: The ministry rejects or downplays the authority of the Bible, claiming to have new or special revelation that supersedes Scripture.

Unbiblical Practices: The ministry engages in practices that are explicitly condemned in Scripture, such as divination, necromancy, or contacting spirits.

Fruit Inspection: The ministry produces fruit that is inconsistent with the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), such as division, strife, greed, or immorality.

It’s important to approach these warning signs with discernment and prayer, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit and comparing the teachings and practices of the ministry with the truth of God’s Word.

In the all out SEARCH for WHO and WHAT it a TRUE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY “prophet, pastor, apostle, teacher, evangelistic” also revivalist, TV, Media recognized minister, local leaders, lay: Me and YOU..




Now, with that being said, we must note that all others, including me, you, or they in big time or small time or no time, even Papa and Mama, will be some, mostly, partly “God’s whole truth” (major or the bare minimum), but the rest of us, me, you, I, all of them, will have “dross,” “mixture,” mistakes, errors, licentiousness, or Bible beatdown legalistic law and Holy Spirit and witchcraft.

This means that all of us must cease the name-calling and media gossip.

Next, we then guard our OWN hearts from far-off guessing, spying, accusing, labeling, and perceptive inner reading of other ministers, great and small, national or local. And then we assess, evaluate (ongoing), but we do not target, lambast, name-call, vilify, and accuse (that is false but rampant due to the TV wannabe worldwide famous from the 1990s on, appears mid-1990s Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Revisited?).

Next, we examine the “respectfully, calmly) analyze, dissect the questionable teaching ministry doctrine of each person, source group, primarily (at first/ongoing) by the “relationship respect” fair, love walk community, leaders, lay, staff, elders’ true aimable basic life fruit and the reproduced character fruit and the confirming moral fiber of the stated Holy Bible (without sin spying, Bible thumping, naming persons as church hoppers, and legalistic over Phariseeism). Is there a reverential holy fear of the Lord? If so, their followers will regard and respect all people equally despite race, age, gender, vibes, looks, size, economic strata or not (like the fruit of Isaiah 57:6 in the church, ministry, fellowship, house/cell group).

The Book of Acts Christian “bottom line”:

  1. Who are we going to first love and fully choose to serve
  2. What is true and false Christian leader, ministry, parent, spouse governing spiritual true Christian authority? What is possibly contrived, orchestrated even demonic accused white witchcraft (skilled) leader, yet blind, false authority? According to “wiccan” perverse/twisted, acute, controlling, manipulating even abusive forms or untrue control?
  3. We each should remember Jesus’ red-letter warning to the Book of Acts leaders (it strongly appears):

Matthew 7:21-23 in the King James Version**

**True Heart Purpose: as NOBODY  wants to be surprised on the Final Day, when it’s too late to change!

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Jesus Christ’s use of these key words:


“I never ever knew you,”

and “you did a lot of stuff to gain glory, credit, Brownie Points in the Afterlife using my name…

….but were not my close first love, abiding true friend.  You were blinded by success, And Your Dad told you that I was some Pie In the Sky fake….And  You did not want me..or even “try” to really deeply know me…..

For you never could SEE YOUR GREAT WORTH ..but I Your Creator DID…But it was YOUR CHOICE ..and you never wanted me or needed me…. just “them”

And  you became  a Big Shot …to hide all of your mean dysfunctions and  giant inferiority big boss complex,

a schemer… a terrific actor, yet it was ministry ‘ShowBiz” “Shaking ’em till you’ve taken ’em” … the hipster, huge charlatan.. who loved to turn on the charm, and  shape-shift your persona to keep the people mesmerized, until they were willing to cough up some dough… for  YOU GOT FAME  and FED YOUR personal ego, all the while making MONEY off of Me by USING, ABUSING, DECEIVING, MERCHANDIZING and “WINNING” while inwardly defiling and EGO  PROSTITUTING  My good, Well-known also Holy Pure Name.

SO GO AWAY..OUT FROM Me (meaning….Forever) as  I never knew you. ..(you preferred the adoring crowds)

.”…you that work “iniquity”




Q. What is the meaning of iniquity in Matthew 7:23 in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic:


Matthew 7:21-23 in the King James Version/ Jesus Red Letters

The phrase “ye that work iniquity” is translated from the Greek word “ἐργαζόμενοι” (ergazomenoi), which means “those who practice” or “those who do” iniquity.

  • Greek: ἐργαζόμενοι (ergazomenoi)
  • Hebrew: פֹּעֲלֵי (po’alei)
  • Aramaic: מְתַעֲבַדֵי (meṯaʿavadei)

The term “iniquity” refers to wickedness, sin, or lawlessness. So, in this context, Jesus is warning against those who claim to follow Him but continue to live in a way that is contrary to God’s will, practicing sin and disobedience.


APOSTOLIC TAVEAU NOTES: In my first research of Matthew 7:21-23 I found the above, plus one more. I noted that as Jesus warned what APPEARED to be Book of Acts flavored Christian, Leaders, lay, I noted it mentioned Spirit Filled Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, moving in the Spirit “types’ WHY ? I submit that is because (THEIR, YOUR, MY) field of is much more ‘invisible,” “subjective ‘and prone to be abused by immaturity, sheer ignorance or demonic ambition. 

“Jesus warns those who APPEAR to be moving in the Holy Spirit gifts: 

“You who prophesied, cast out devils and done  many wonderful works” (as the “gift of God is without repentance”so persons can give a good performance and still be completely “OFF” )

Also the Book of Acts  category of Christian minister is  mostly for the untamed and not as formerly educated or accountable/responsible to others more proven and who are often able to charm, use charisma, flamboyance, keep their congregations in awe, ‘mesmerized ‘and intimated by their “lush gifts on display” (just my own Selah apostolic decades of repeated study and  thoughts) 


I also looked up Strongs Bible Concordances which said ‘the meaning of “iniquity in Red Letter Ministry Matthew 7:21-23 could be defined as “using FALSE AUTHORITY” which I believe because in DFW I was first hand, Luke Eye Witnessed repeatedly encountered “white witchcraft, use of charismatic false authority, on 7- 10 mega (newbie, expat, single woman visitor, but ministry non LP peers, just not “recognized’ in the Christian Famous Face Follower Celebrity national Realm.

Hence I studied and the doctrines, the ministry doctrinal same quality styles (famous Little White Woman,the Hannah on their Evil Eye, Eli Type “many “Boys will Be Boys” (‘sly wink” ) style of quite popular ,mega temple (deep south but might be anywhere, all races)

BIG BUSINESS “CHRISTIAN”  MINISTRY WITCHCRAFT, accompanied by use of accuser “occult’ and demonic big biased “misogyny” avoidant, using, playing, duck and avoid, refuse to be upfront Matthew 18;15-16, Galatians 6:1 “confronted’  also blocked, withstood and Big Time Boy Ego Played (these were famous ambitious big time chief sly, minutely orchestrated MANY IN DEPTH SYSTEMS’



NOTE AT THE LAST: I posted links to former recent(long) ministry articles such as this ” ACCEPTED CHRISTIAN MINISTRY WITCHCRAFT 

DEFINITION OF “YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY” according Strongs’ Bible Concordance, “Matthew 7:23 “iniquity” which is a “sin’ but also in Bible terms the following (FALSE AUTHORITY

BUT TO ALLOW A NEUTRAL VOICE  TO BE HEARD, ” I asked CHAT GPT AI about the definition:

(Reminded of Eli and Both His ministry sons, who were LP :women and proud money Read I Samuel 1-3)

Q. Is the passed down generational sin also called “iniquity” or what?
ChatGPT Answered: 

A. Yes, passed down generational sin is often referred to as “iniquity” in the Bible. This concept is based on passages like Exodus 20:5-6 and Exodus 34:7, which speak of God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Him and keep His commandments. This suggests that the consequences of sin can affect future generations, illustrating the idea of iniquity being passed down through family lines.** So that is mostly WHY God fully cleansed OUT the Old Boy System of Widely Known in the area “ELI and BOTH HIS CHIEF OFFICE MINISTRY BOYS. 

 We must get in line with God’s Holy Bible Word in I Samuel 15:23 

WE NOTE”ALL , ANY rebellion” is “to the LORD” the same as someone practicing THE OCCULT WITCHY “CRAFT” (wiccan, wicker, the twisted, perverse SELF CENTERED MINISTRY “POOR ME” AUTHORITY
And so it goes..until God gets tired of it..which HE IS.
THE FRUIT OF THE SIN OF “REBELLION” (use false authority, mean well intentioned white witchcraft, also aka “established trying hard “iniquity” is still, just that “OPPRESSIVE OCCULT ESTABLISHED, WELL RESPECTED, PLENTIFUL IN MINISTRY PERSONS ALSO  MONIES  and quite Popular with People, but sill false authority false practices, false use of God’s Holy Name to such and to ALL BE WARNED that God’ is slowly  going to cleanse what ought be recognized as “HIS” Houses…
DANIEL 2:21a “And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:”


Of course this is limited and inconclusive, but I am working a piece about “Submission and False Authority, and I just asked this for my OWN curiosity as I address this ‘heightened witchcraft occult hot top” it quite often around the USA well known name brands, (not all) but in their people as well…yet markedly in neo Phariseeism, and sly gentrified yet powerful office prophetic mean “religious respecter of persons” type of clubby ministry.


Non Witch Watching, Blessed, Well, Highly Favored…PS  also non elite and Continually AWARE..

Apostolic TD

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 (Christian Mind Divining) 2 KINGS 6:12 ELISHA GIFT (GRACE OR WORKS)


(C)2024 Taveau Creative Leadership, All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with Ai.


RECOGNIZING THAT THIS IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE but the sheer gravity of the topic is worth ‘provoking analytical ministry thought” just whetting the proverbial whistle

Signed, TD… the Maven of Apostolic Ministry Theology

MANY  (meaning MANY !) “calling good evil and evil good.” the USA Christian Leadership Matriarchal, L Patriarchal Giant WOE (See Isaiah 5:20 in the national context of Isaiah 1-10:27)

BIBLE Reason for our Increased Prime Ministry Dullness of the prophetic perceptions?

See PSALM 115:4-8  (See how to acquire the “fear of the Lord” Proverbs 2:1-5 “it also ties in directly with  making real money”)

It directly ties in with much, if not most of this below.

RELATED NEW ARTICLE on Office Prophet Elisha Uncanny “Seer” Gift 2 Kings 6:12: 

Starting to slowly unfurl CROSS BODY UNITY YOUTUBE





“Ephesians 4:32 “Kind and Tenderhearted”  and Ephesians 4:1-3 “Meekness” do not appear to be included in the Methodology of MOST of this now Fast Past Big Monetized Dire Generation.

This is for YOU who feel that YOU need it.

(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

Take note: Down beneath, I skirt the issue of persons potentially blaspheming the Holy Spirit, for it’s taught in many different ways in Christianity.

I choose to risk being considered in error for writing this article, also to be viewed as not ministry-perfect. Why? For the sake of each person’s safety.

  1. Thus, I do not want to overstate it, nor do I want to pass it off as easy to regard, or that I am the expert or can fully tell about it. I can at least provoke some thoughts.
  2. For as I penned this, it ties with many complex things: Christian authority, Bible knowledge, Bible interpretation, maturity, and past mentoring. This heavy topic can create strife and debate (which I do not aspire to do) and/or it can inspire more research and holy fear of the Lord renewal (both of which I do need to try to do).

As I said, this is a small peek and not addressing big ins and ministry outs. However, I plant the concept of blaspheming Holy in your leader minds, at least to then provoke you to Bible study it from your own viewpoint. Plus, this human caring kind real person would rather scare the many on this hot topic to err on the side of being so very careful, rather than to be mundane, super casual, and overly light while potentially risking each of our eternal peace and forever safety. Every pure person, say a resounding amen!

However, this kind diverse person will not suffer nerve-wracking, infantile, elite Pharisee, whining, Levitical, patriarch, old-time critical law, legalistic mean Bible thumping, or time-wasting debate and accusation.

Therefore, just pray about this , and ask the Lord to winnow the chaff from the hay.

God’s mega blessing and heart-mind-life peace.

While this apostolic ministry end-time missive is certainly long, it is a study which is  in-depth for the purposes of stirring up the saints to provoke less shallow Demas thought.

And I give my own personal testimony, in part, of what I have seen, continually see, and witness mostly these days on the modern airwaves.

It is a valid, genuine heartfelt concern for those who may not fully understand how eternally important this heavy topic is. For they are skilled, gifted, all races but less than knowledgeable. For it is accusing, word cursing, mocking, and monetized gossip, which one must not stereotype all who appear to come across like these, but one must individually view each and every person by themselves. As I believe the Creator Living Most Holy God does with you and me.

Mostly, the Christian established media ministers who appear to be strongly opposed to the Holy Spirit moving in the gifts, which I name “The Book of Acts,” are, by my keen ministry observation, quite possibly raised and trained under the Old Testament Law, which I dub “the Critical Levitical” accuser false doctrines. This may also include the far office sin spying, Phariseeism, and moving in ducking, avoiding, Bible beat untrue Bible authority. (Surely not all, but over too many.)

Many modern non diverse ministry people clearly were mentored, trained by, and continue to gather vast crowds of persons, which I name “the Graduates of the Country Law, USA Foothills, Big Mountain William School of Theology.”

The Refreshing DFW Sunflower 2015

In the following, I quickly asked CHAT GPT AI questions, which I copy here and write the answer from the AI here.


I also intentionally post the date of every use of Chat GPT AI or any other AI, as I understand that they are now undermining more and more and maybe pen counterfeit. However, I was raised in a very highly Bible scholar environment in many prior Bible-believing, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian devout, fair Christians and before the media distortion, so it is by grace I was raised and then saved and grew up with a healthy balance of “the Scriptures ‘and’ the Power of the Most High God.”


Servant Leader, apostolic Christ Jesus aka (non LP) Messiah (Matthew 22:2) rebuked the errant leader Sadducees, who did not believe in the supernatural resurrection, and stated,

“You err, not knowing the scriptures or the power of God.”

Hence, we must conclude that we, I, US, each and ALL,  need to know each Side Of God’s word and power..just now.. more than ever.

My point in saying this is that nobody knows it all in either   of these 2 Basic Christian”ministry, true to Bible”fields” ..They do know “all” of the Scriptures, the theology, both the logos and the rhema, plus whether “what they were trained in, under human persons”  is authentic true.. or false.

Also, nobody knows ALL about the Holy Spirit, the move of God in the inward witness, spirit of wisdom, revelation or moving deeply in the gifts, oracle ministry offices, healing, prayer and signs and wonders, outpourings and Luke 1:17 “foretold days of Elijah” (more on that another day).


My Auto Bio in This:

I WAS RAISED KNEED DEEP in a happy, quiet, thankful, humorous, also soft thoughtful and all respecting home. There was no authoritarian unloving letter of the Law.


And this time period was before this High Entertainment Christianity and  This Current 24/7/365 Sensationalist Hot Bed of Media


We were a small town Sr Pastor’s quite bright family, living in town, with the church in the country, right in the area where Kings Dominion is just down the road. My dear mother, (both of them also taught elementary school) was raised like “Scholarly Noble Berean” which means that she did not want to get into Bible error. I knew her, her mother, her sister (my great loving caring aunt) later my    sister, myself, all of the female children EACH turned to the Lord.


And for your information, most of them went for “more” Holy Spirit, praying in the Spirit, healing, Bible faith and walking it out as “the Love Walk” (true Revelation Brotherly Love Church of Philadelphia) (which I will ad for now, as I did not get this until much later, that ‘Church of Philadelphia is the “only church who’s door will never close” also it will ‘saved from the fiery trial that comes upon the earth. (This to me, signifies a Godly “relationship respecting” God as First Love (relationship) remnant).


So I grew up with an underlying knowledge, of the unspoken “holy fear” that I would not make to heaven, or be misled along the Way and get disqualified after it was too late, (when I had to stand alone before the Lord)


NOTE That fear did not come any of my family. I acquired during own my own big thoughts. And while I lost the “gnawing fear” I do keep watch over my own heart, life and many actions. (I recall many sermons during Jesus People years was “sins of commission and omission” So I am leery today..but  mostly filled with Great JOY. Yet I think in terms of others who may not make it… if they don’t know Jesus and/or they were deceived by hype, false reality and poor teaching, also quitting  due to the HIGH AMOUNTS of Bible teaching gone playtime. Demas (in it for today mainly)…

I also am deeply concerned when I see the mean “Christian” tabloid videos online and hear the doubt,  big unbelief and criticism, seems to be growing criticism of JESUS CHRIST and the Church (but I do realize WHY) however, this is exactly WHY  I teach  no holds barred and also “To the Born Again Church ONLY”   and indeed directly and POINTEDLY. (while any and all others are welcome, fully respected and valued)


Yet that was in the late 1970’s more so developing in the 1980’s and 90s.

But the story I want to share, (I feel that I must, it is woefully NOW NEEDED) before all of that, when nobody in my “square” but blessed and contented Bible believing (often humorous, playful) “mutually submitted in the fear of the Lord home (much more like a Billy Graham Christian, no spirit filled, no Bible thumping, fundamentalist or religious (though that came later, but nobody was interested as it seemed to white and political Our family always voted issues, not party line and we voted the views which best were in agreement of the Bible.

Back when I was about 8 years old, living in this small town, which bordered on  rural area located outside of Richmond, VA (we later moved during my junior high school years to more cosmopolitan, Norfolk and Virginia Beach)

But this story happened in the small town.

It was my family‘s outside yard work day. I was the oldest, about 8 years old, helping my great Mom, who is now in heaven, rake the leaves.

We had a screened in porch and due to leave raking taking a long time, and being very boring, my mother had set a small black and white TV on the screen porch to  keep us ‘company ” (give our minds something to do)

Remember that we were Baptists, I had never met anyone who spoke in tongues or was a Pentecostal or “spirit filled” of any kind. I had “heard” the the word “holy roller ” around the tiny town, but it was not a bit negative or accusing, it was (to me a creative humorist) a very amusing “mental picture.” (I still chuckle at that many years, later, but went out to the campground, back in VA when Sister Ruth Heflin ran it, and very much enjoyed being “in the glory” for a time…

But back when I was 8, I did not  “know any Pentecostals or Holy Book of Acts moving in the gifts “style” (but after I grew up and was called by Christ to ‘know the doctrines of the many kinds of ‘Bible Believing Christians, (as I had been raised kindly, but tradional denominationally..(meaning not a fundamentalist or  old timey back Under the OT Law Bible Thumping legalist).meaning NO Book of Acts in depth,  no knowledge of the “person and work of the” Holy Spirit) during 80’s and 90s and 2000’s God primarily took me thought the MANY DIFFERENT (also Christian true, diverse) current and not latter moves of God .. ..but all of that was after I was grown and had my own family and had my prophetic ministry. 

So on that day, while my Mother and myself were both raking, the tiny began to show a strange program (strange to me the 8 old Baptist kid). It was none other than Oral Roberts, who had a big ministry for many decades..quite renown, but not back then so much and to ME…at that day and time..not at all.


In hindsight he may had  had a regular TV show which showed him praying for healing miracles, laying hands on many people and praying in loud tongues.

Anyway, it was quite surprising and also “appeared FUNNY, WEIRD, STRANGE and VERY QUIRKY, and,  being the 8 years humorous little child that I was, I began fault find, to make fun of him and it…, to laugh and joke about. …to my Mother who was about 20 feet away.

Mom heard me and realized it was Oral Roberts, the Christian man of God and even while my mother was not spirit filled, Pentecostal or anything resembling that, she still had an humble true “holy fear of the Lord” for the moving in the gifts. ( it was not her theology yet SHE KNEW that She did not know it all and that there WAS such a thing as heavenly grace granted Big Real Call on some..for the healing ministry)

My ever attentive Mother, realizing that her first born daughter was “mocking the Holy Spirit”…plus a God Called MAN OF GOD (who appeared to the young child, every different as he was moving in the rather loud, Book of Acts healing, calling out words of knowledge, laying hands on many persons..
My accusing laughing reaction was enough to cause my mother  to drop her rake and run over  over  to sternly chastise me, as well as to quickly turn off the TV Channel.

My wise Mother, quickly, somewhat sternly ,and abruptly stopped what she was in the midst of and hastened over to me and quickly turned off the TV station, so that I would not be tempted to make fun of. While I do not recall her words, yet I do I recall her swift reaction to “mocking God’s Spirit on that humble pastor. I remember racing to do what right, her stern tone to “lay off doing something like that. She told me the WHY but I don’t remember words, but her actions and somber “fear of the Lord’ actions, each spoke many  volumes. Plus her warning grave albeit humble tone..I still respect and honor my mother  for racing over to do that. In hindsight, it spoke  VOLUMES and still impresses me  today.

SO This “honoring and valuing what is sacred to God, what ought to be ‘respected and is reverential in one’s private home and life, all  comes from proper modeling in family, parents, step parent, mature pastors, leaders, lay, Sunday School teachers and all authority figures… “Mentoring in this comes mostly by osmosis in the Authority Governed Environment (casually) with occasional more formal training **

** Which I advise ought to be NOW



Q. TD Asked the Chat GPT Ai March 5, 2024 

Describe “blaspheming of Holy Spirit, verses in KJV and context, also “WHY?”


CHAT GPT AI answered:

The concept of “blaspheming the Holy Spirit” is found in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament. The verse most often cited is from the Gospel of Matthew in the King James Version (KJV), Matthew 12:31-32:

Matthew 12:31-32 (KJV): 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

In this passage, Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees who had accused him of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of demons. Jesus warns them that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. This is often understood as a rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit, particularly attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan or deliberately rejecting the Spirit’s testimony about Jesus.

The reason why this sin is considered unforgivable is because it represents a willful and persistent rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit, which is to convict people of sin, reveal the truth of the Gospel, and draw them to faith in Jesus Christ. Without repentance and acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s work, forgiveness and reconciliation with God are not possible.

I, TAVEAU, WAS NOT CONTENT WITH JUST THAT ( for this is pretty innocuous in light of the days present, mostly on attacking media and in public fellowships who believe that THEY “know more” than all of us.)
AND THIS IS “WHY” I ASKED CHAT GPT Ai for an objective opinion (as this she has seen tons repeating bashing, mocking, reviling, word cursing, slamming as “evil” “wicked’ and “demonic false”…while repeatedly  showing famous elevated historical, many deep decades in the ministry full out face, house, names charismatic, spirit filled, tongue talking authority ministries…The Name Calling “Bashing formula” (many alike name calling, also deeply “monetized” ministries, using  well edited video clips  on YOUTUBE in the last 6-12 seeming TMZ TABLOID DEMAS FOR DOLLARS,**BASH FOR CASH** new widespread dogma..many word curse ‘these” months) (** usually these antagonistically go after what they “accuse” as “the wicked prosperity teachers” (i know their doctrines from prior to mega back in the 80’s on..far more humble, country)
So I do NOT dispute that “IT” has been taken way OUT OF PROPORTION, yet all of these  endlessly COME AGAINST FELLOW CHRISTIANS, not just once or twice,even three times..but by the many hundreds..Also, each mean video ACCUSES,  VILIFIES, and SHAMES, old Last Move Pioneering Apostolic Office Sr Ministries. I do not believe that the younger Christian Ministry Big Generation has ever NOT had a single day off from accusing, monetized TV dubbed “celebrity Christianity,” which is now being reviled by nearly all “more normal human real perceptive true Persons” 
For they do not teach “doctrine” but rather use SHOCK VALUE (like secular Hollywood Gossip Expose, such the famous TMZ) And super serious “highly religious” “VERSIONS’ of “CHRISTIAN” do not shy away from public name calling, accusation, witch hunting, and making a famous household Name Themselves and the same time.
WHAT BOTHERS ME is the new”methodology” and “tone” ( as many come across as all wise, “sitting on the high horse throne.”)

Also these are getting  younger and younger (No, it’s NOT about generational AGE, it’s experience, depth, also maturity in real life also in deep things of God and perspective, wise in Ministry) however,  it’s lucrative, attractive and FAME IS THE WANNABE APHRODISIAC to many…So this DIRE ACCUSATION is appealing (fun)  are openly and publically and repeated, at every turn, “rebuking an elder whom they have never walked on step in their shoes, face to face privately confront (Bible Gal 6:1, Matt 18:15-15” nor are of the peer /experience mature level of the ones they shout out, make money from and call THEM False Apostles….

WHY LOWER the entire bar of “ministry office correction?” (if they are worthy of doing so, mature enough and sound enough…WHY do they allow themselves from the JUDAS MERCHANDISING Poor Them Methods of “selling out the more famous, older, proven, established, generally well known famous leader who is NOT THEIR PEER, nor on their LEVEL to Spend their gifts, many talents, money and time, and surely paid staff to VILIFY A FELLOW HUMAN (meaning to repeatedly spend hours of research, digging up film footage CATCH the BROTHER and FEW SISTERS in “a negative light” for THEIR OWN SILVER AND GOLD PURPOSES..
IT’S discouraging, disheartening not reverential Holy Fear of the Lord, but ambitious, false teaching producing GRAND PAYDAY SHOW BIZ.

This is MY LOGIC..for IF they many (MANY) were Truly From God, WHY would they do MONETIZE IT (which cheapens it, makes it suspicious in motives. Yet this has become a burgeoning social media(mostly YOUTUBE STYLE ) mega industry. FOR WHAT? So called CHRISTIAN Brother, Sister, Mother, Father now profiting for Making a BIG HAUL..
IF they confronted leadership DOCTRINES it catch no CLICKS (like mine do not) However I am this for GOD “the Audience of One” at His clear specific direction. I also under Ephesians 3 Paul that the CHURCH (the TRUE CHURCH) walks it out before the unseen eternal powers and principalities and “TRAINS THEM” (read it for yourself) 
YET “THIS” MUCK AND ACQUIRING NEW VOGUE “DEEP”  MIRE appears to do it out proper “motives’ but “wrong training” and “flamboyant and word cursing open reviling accusing of fellow dignified offices..

I repeat, if these would teach SOUND DOCTRINE, not accuse, debase, disrespect, target or  vilify (which is the effect ‘numbers drawing”  use the SHOCK VALUE (to garner many viewers ..which it really does) they would loose payday. BUT it would more “holy fear of the Lord ” and divisive TELL TALL, Anti Ephesians 4 UNIFIED COMMUNITY.
AGAIN, the numbers of under age 50 doing this on every paying media format is enormous..and I call  it as THEM SEEKING FAME, PROFIT and BUSINESS ..due to the METHODOLOGY and FRUIT AND THE ACCUSING TONES.
It’s now THE FASHION “the Trend” to jump on that non contrite Band Wagon.
And it is wearying. Also, since’s harder and harder to find a good message or worship on social media without being drawn into the Scandal Gossip, Minister

I repeat: it does not line up with Christ, the First Church, Apostle Paul or Diverse Ephesians 4 ‘transformed” society effecting pure community


A mega new form of making ministry moolah…as a newly assessed ” branch” in itself as prosperity teaching (be they young, old, black, white, tan, male, or female). The reason they each monetize every perfectly edited, filmed quality ministry video and do it in such a method which is a magnet to many hundreds of thousands of bitter, fascinated viewers who then pay these income due to the YouTube monetizing. Surely, also these many who are now famous for doing this get invited to guest speak for more pay and have a celebrity status of sorts in their own well-off ministry subculture.

I am not against persons having many different, even opposing views. It’s the methodology and Christian attacker, now celeb, making of money from it. I name these as “The New Prosperity Teachers,” raking in the big money for bashing fellow Christian ministers.

I find this unbelievable frustrating. And surely confusing to so very many out there.
So, to be more impartial, as I find this so troubling, (also submission-itis LP)  I wanted stand outside  my own self, and get an outside opinion, and made the choice to ask a world wide authority. (knowing it is fallible and could be being programmed to the “left.” But here we go, some SELAH food for thought and not dogma.

ASIDE RESOURCE: TAVEAU’S “THE  Ai and I” (See Spring to Fall 2023 onward many AI AND I leader discussions on TMZ STYLE ATTACK CHRISTIAN (11 articles) also ARE YOU SUBMITTED? 10-12 articles




The phrase “Blaspheming the Holy Spirit” originates from the New Testament, specifically in the books of Matthew (Matthew 12:31-32), Mark (Mark 3:28-29), and Luke (Luke 12:10). In these passages, Jesus warns about the seriousness of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, stating that it will not be forgiven.

The Greek word for “blasphemy” is “βλασφημία” (blasphēmia), which means speaking against or defaming someone. In this context, it refers to speaking against the Holy Spirit. The concept of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is understood as a deliberate and willful rejection of the work and witness of the Holy Spirit, particularly attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to evil or demonic forces.

In Aramaic, the language likely spoken by Jesus, the concept would have been expressed similarly, though the specific Aramaic term used in the New Testament is not preserved. The Aramaic word for blasphemy is “ܒܠܵܫܦܵܡ” (b’lshpāmā).

The exact meaning and implications of blaspheming the Holy Spirit have been debated among theologians, but it is generally understood as a grave sin of unbelief or rejection of God’s grace and forgiveness.


“YES, WE ought to understand that THIS BIG BIBLE TOPIC, also the huge, enigmatic SUBJECT and  DEFINITION of “What is and is not “blaspheming of God’s Wholly Holy Tender and Mega Invisible LIVING  Spirit…is  hotly debated.  I will submit a Selah (“pause to think about it, to consider”) and will now apostolic discuss it, from this tiny corner of the world. 

Dr. T



(PURPOSE:Due to the SO MUCH Ugly, Callous…also Highly Opinionated, Each and Every Person is Super Vocal, Making Light Of God’s Bible Word, Big Bossing… Not Generally Well Taught, Usually Very Cynical… Also PRONE to Make Money Off Of Everything (even the Preachers) Generally “humility” also “meekness” is noticeably lacking in these Christian’s “methodology.”



“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Proverbs 9:10

“Thus the absence of any Holy Fear of the Lord in Ministry, Pastors, Lay, is the beginning of ALL OF this..BIG “WHAT?”… MAYBE ALL OF THE CHRISTIAN LEGALISM, Pomp and Ceremonial Self Celebrating, Ornery High Horse, Chasing the Dream…absolute utter Foolishness.”

Q. DEAR CHAT GPT AI, I penned:
Q. IF  (also when)  a  fellow Christian minister makes fun of another pastor moving in the gifts of spirit praying in tongues, falling out under power in a prayer line, moving in signs and wonders, a healing line and mocks them, reviles to many people, even using tv does any of that fit under “blaspheming the Holy Spirit”
CHAT GPT AI wrote back:

A. The concept of “blaspheming the Holy Spirit” is a complex and often debated topic among theologians. While the specific act you described may not fit the traditional understanding of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, it does involve a serious matter of disrespect, mockery, and potentially slander towards someone who is perceived to be operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In the context of Matthew 12:31-32 and similar passages, blaspheming the Holy Spirit is typically understood as attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan or persistently rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit. It involves a deliberate and ongoing rejection of the Spirit’s testimony about Jesus Christ and His work.

Mocking, reviling, or showing contempt towards manifestations of the Holy Spirit, such as praying in tongues, falling under the power of the Spirit, or participating in signs and wonders, could be considered disrespectful and harmful behavior, but whether it constitutes blaspheming the Holy Spirit would depend on the intent and attitude of the individual. If the mocking is done out of ignorance, misunderstanding, or a lack of belief rather than a deliberate rejection of the Holy Spirit’s work, it may not be considered blasphemous in the same sense as described in the Bible.

Ultimately, it is up to God to judge the hearts and intentions of individuals. It is important for Christians to treat one another with love, respect, and humility, even when they disagree on theological or doctrinal matters.


  • BEGIN: I choose to first “err”on this side granted grace and hallowed a caring, respecting, low volume, contrite Isaiah 1:18 ‘relationship” Matthew 18:15, Meek Galatians 6:1 (up front, in private confront) also Ephesians 4:32 “tenderhearted, etc) and Pauline humility Ephesians 4, hero role modeling the “wisdom from on high” (abiding in James 3:17 pure relationship respect FRUIT) and “holy fear of the Lord ” which is the beginning of REAL wisdom  And, do all of this after first self inspecting ,self assessing and self judging this my self.


  • NEXT I would then walk “very” carefully, very gingerly when “accusing another whom never once confronted, chatted with, know their movement (for it is not yours) or whom YOU have “believed the evil report’ or listened to gossip or whom YOU do not prefer, like or want to know due YOUR Big Accuser Bias.


I point out these  Bible verses with “Curses” one might mistaken incur upon them selves

HOWEVER, YOU BYOB  (Bring Your Own Bible) And RESEARCH them to make sure

  • Research Genesis, younger unproven, son Ham, uncovered his father Noah’s  “sin” as it were, Noah got drunk and was lying their exposed. The curse came upon Ham, for he uncovered his father’s nakedness. Can be another younger Christian uncovering the dirty gossip of an proven elder, and airing it online, in media, by gossip or hosting tabloid expose “monetized” gathers, vide0

Be sure to study that in light of today. Due Young Son Ham’s own choices…he brought  down God’s anger on himself. . As a result, God cursed Ham.

Other Possible Research topics:

  • “Failing to discern the body of Christ correctly” – First Church (it brought down 2 real curses).


  • “Accusing an elder” (means an experienced, older leader) – Accusing an elder leader (the pre-qualifications for doing it Bible protocol).


  • Failing (and the blessing for doing so!) “honor the fathers and the mothers” (the respect for former generations) – Age and elder respect (honor the spiritual and natural fathers and mothers) to incur a blessing.


  • Research (also see the Maven of Theology’s  article (link beneath) regarding the Definition and Misuse and Abuse of Prophet Elisha’s gift (which was ‘revealed by God’s grace’ and ‘works’) – “2 Kings 6:12” which is being perverted by immaturity and has gone occult, white witchcraft, betraying.


  • Note: By any saint using the Holy Spirit in an occult,false, violating, user, demonic, witchy manner for profit, to be promoted, to win fans or success, or to attain prominence, material stuff… while that is false, prostituting God’s Holy Gift… let’s provoke some thought. Might that be, in part, “a form of blaspheming the Holy Spirit”?


  • Please note I am submitting all of this as a Selah to consider, but not saying it is dogma. Meaning? I am not saying so for sure, but we each need to seek God and Holy Scriptures about that.


  • PS: I actually believe that all of this is so closely intertwined that it also fits under Jesus Christ’s open rebuke to what appears to be mostly or entirely “Book of Acts leaders” in his red letter Matthew 7:21-23 Last Day Warning.


  • RESEARCH The Perilous Times Church with Dysfunctional, non Trustworthy Human Impure ongoing Fruit (in the midst of the Last Days “Perilous Times  Evil world” See 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5


  • Research the Paul warned Perilous Last Days (some) in Church (interpret this as “you want to assess them by their fruit, not their style, persona, many gifts, or status, celebrity)

1) 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (dysfunction) Teach this, Encourage all preacher, leader, parent by each of the FRUITS:


“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such TURN AWAY


2)1 Timothy 6:5 (KJV): Materialistic:“Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such WITHDRAW THYSELF.”

While I Timothy 6:5 describes the callous, accusative and materialistic… also dysfunctional, opposing the core pure Cause of the Risen Christ. Word cursing, manipulative, mind divining (inner scan deep seer perceiving) from far away, never relating, never going close enough to verify, to get to know (lack of I John 1:7) but then “reading their vibe, mind, style” and accusing it as a ‘witch” “Jezebel” “coming to take over our turf” a wicked ‘evil doer’. He, she is “sleeping around” and worse… yet even on top that, hurrying over to warn the top leaders, elders that THE PERSON they TARGET and “INNER’ is “evil” “in sin” “witch” so then they rush to put the person’s name on their “LIST” to pass the list around their WHITE WELP SHEPHERDING EVIL EYE NETWORK (local, national, maybe even global)




  • THIS INCLUDES FALSE ADVERTISING NOW BEING DONE BY CERTAIN FAMOUS CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES? and Regarding many persons, new visitors, regular attenders as “Better than” or “evil and less than?”   We fully note; Acts 10:34 (KJV): “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.”

“We must also use the caution, respect and holy fear of the Lord common humility of Apostle Peter to  ” not mingle faith with the respecter of persons

Q? IT IS AT THE LEAST … BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SAFE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST  is extremely CLOSE TO  a possible (we admit… that this  is a mighty FINE LINE…so will let YOU DEFINE) Exodus 20:7,

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

NOTE: This includes self important “achieved now arrived ministry”

Submitting as Selah, not dogma..WONDERING ABOUT .”using the name of the Lord God In Vain”

Reason?... “Using Christ’s safe known name as a Drawing card to get persons to come to their fine ministry, conference, to then request many donations, buy their Christian wares (as in the LOVE OF MONEY?)…

Plus is this complying with the Bible “ORGANIC” First Church genuine, authentic valid also The Most High God Pleasing..(meaning Top Elders…FIRST LOVE)  Only Purposes of Christian Ministry Fellowships…Paul in Ephesians 1:6, Ephesians 4  “one Big Unified, also diverse Community” (no pet turf or pet types colors, styles of human persons)


  • Both of leader, mass produced lay “holy fear of the Lord reproducing similar


  • A purity of Character, which is trustworthy and  relationship respectful  for one all


  • There is humility and other centeredness in the rank and file and staff, the elders (models I John 1:7, Ephesians 1:6, Ephesians 2:14-15, Ephesians 5:21 Ephesians 4:1-3, Proverbs 9:18, James 3:17, Isaiah 56:7 ministry fellowship. 


  • The governing authority role model is NOT “Heil Hitler” or “Bow and Scrape, Kiss the Pinky Ring Style…as some of these now are.


  • Rather it is ALL the born again “First Church humility, with each and all ‘equally “respected, Ephesians 5:21 “chain of command, servant leader, 


  • MEANING THIS IS SINCERELY AND HONESTLY..There is no presumptive ministry “mega bait and switch” they put it out in marketing, ministry advertisements “Come to Jesus Save Loving House, Come one and ALL. You are welcome.


  • However when the many folks arrive, put money in the offering plates, the top leaders, hired staff, ever-watching elders and cultish-flakey each “only want” the same old “Pet Type (Similar to THEM) many dependent,  abiding,  hanger on, similar (mostly dysfunctional) tolerating persons”


  • However this apparent Ministry BAIT AND SWITCH is an easy to them… attractive, effective and ornery method of Christian (desperate) Mammon Centric Neediness,  with refined skilled and exceptional Turf Owning, and Private Worship Cult Form of Proven Ministry. (This  mostly looks , to this surveying deep person…like a mammon centric  USA WASP thing, for it appears to accept, ministry respect only a few races, genders, ages, styles, sizes, status, education, mantle/gifting, looks or celebrity well known Basic Subcultures of human persons.


  • To Research: What is “WORD CURSING” “targeting” intercessory (seer )style “intentionally perverse anti a certain person “prayer?” is it occult? God’? Elisha 2 Kings 6:12 “privileged insider information that one is endorsed, commanded by GOD HIMSELF to single out a human, a minister, a group, a visitor or a stranger, and PRAY AGAINST THEM?


  • Wondering: About WHAT, WHO, THE WAYS, METHODS are aligned with First Church, and not BACK UNDER THE LETTER OF THE LAW,Old Timey Pharisee, Tradition and are Jesus Christ’s Leader Methods “Authentically (humbly!) GOD PLEASING   about word cursing accusing a person one has never ‘spoken with” I John 1:7 “interacted with, made a Matthews 18:15-16, Meek Galatians “one to one, Bible command’ in private to face to face, calmly and upfront “First Church Protocol “to confront?


  • WHAT is this STYLE of  “word cursing” via “GUESSING” “FAR AWAY ENERGY, LOOKS, VIBE READING”  which privately accuses another of being “THUS AND SO” (mostly “a witch” “not submitted to “OUR BRAND” of theology, or a Jezebel, warlock, Church Hopper, In rebellion, sleeping around or insinuating they “received vision, dream, an inner knowing”


  • BUT that is subjective, might be OFF, could be based upon any person’s BIAS, BACK UNDER THE LAW and PREJUDICE (I know this because God sent me to be around it and it was a NIGHTMARE of emotional high drama, cloistered posturing and occult mind reading of the inth “never ending” sin spying and occult GREAT Proportions). I always notice when this goes on so I just watch back and study THEM, and HOW THEY EACH BEHAVE and THEIR DOCTRINE, GROUP, FRUIT..and numbers of persons they do this to. Again, this is what I call “occult witch watching” which is FOREVER AND EVER without any first-hand knowledge, as it involves AVOIDANCE and SLY HIDING is COWARDLY, WEAK as refuses to SUBMIT to upfront confrontation.

After more than 30 observing years...I assess that these have not   interacted, related or submitted God’s whole counsel(when they present themself as a CHURCH) but refuse to I John 1:7 “to all relate’ yet form many ‘ideas’ about numerous persons..(and this next sentence is AN ALARM, SHOCKING, SINISTER, EVIL AND ALSO DANGEROUS….yet with  NO verification only (WELP SALEM WITCH TRIALS “Spectral evidence” occult dream, night mare, impressions, spooky “vibe reading” ‘guessing” or “evil reports’.


  • Q. How might the Bible passage “he (she, they) who calls his brother a FOOL (raca) is endanger of hell’s flames?” By this I mean he/she who accuses the innocent, who word curse, maligns them, spreads gossip, bears false witness about the person with they have NEVER ONCE SPOKEN but only “inner vibe, mind, thirst “far away read(!!????!!).


  • FACT: “Evil, unsafe,is  not after God’s heart, not prescribed anywhere in the First Church but is evil, sin, BIG DANGEROUS and practiced widely today, is accepted and expected in many seerish hyped-up circles which are QUITE Popular and well attended today.


  • MORE TO RESEARCH: (in light of persons who preach “submission to the local pastor over much” and this tied to “covering” “being covered by the local pastor”


  • Please note: The only “Covering I could find in the First Church was this: “God’s love covers a multitude of sins ” (not live streaming them, openly mocking, talking against, word cursing, juicy gossiping ….to all).

  • Right now, I admonish black and white, all Christian ministers, leaders to teach the young persons (under 40) who have never seen anything but this accusing, mocking, and making money from the monetized juicy tabloid Bible beat down modern ministries.

    And all the many spirit filled, raised under Bless Us.. mostly ages  mid 60s’ on down.. about “coveting, ambition, acquiring false priorities, accusation, “having arrived” being clubby, clannish, cliquish sent in ONE WAY (theirs) and not being open to many people who are exactly like THEM (the Sleepy indifferent having arrived Clubby Elite Village) (Squires)



He doesn’t need  or desire or approve of anyone “beating down, disrespecting another.. For “ministry angels unaware, 2000’s huge  example: who comes in off the street, from the business, from another branch of area ministry or a mother who is single and barely feeds her children, or a female or male who is being domestically attacked, beaten down or repeatedly violated or demeaned in his, her, their house or office or neighborhood OR if any type of person, saved not saved, comes into to Test Drive or Go To Father’s House, they must meet JESUS There ..through the fellowship, elder, staff, top leader ongoing FRUIT..

NOT “disrespected defiled, demeaned for “showing up” like happens in many the Polished Time Wasting Self Adoring Ministry Fellowship Today

Yet… it’s not all over, “unless” these significant (very many) persons own and seek to control the Book of Acts free wells and by doing so, (superiorly) exclude and discourage the many (mostly everyday persons) from finding or wanting to endure such defiling, deep “disrespecting” party spirit and in-house 2 Timothy 3:1-5 demeaning, anti-the-Christ… dysfunction.

HOWEVER( and I want to Yell this Loudly)


Blessings, Sister T.





And this Sister will do the same!

1 Samuel 2:3 KJV

“Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.”

TO HELP ..please pray for God’s instruction, safety, protection, His car.. ministry provision Life..the “right” ,  needed safe ” Location” “Special Sent True Persons” Thanks.


(C)02024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws



THE ABOVE “MY OWN PERSONAL” Experienced VALUE JUDGEMENT..EAGLE EYE ASSESSMENT OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY, FELLOWSHIP…as well as a SCOPE THEM OUT “SHORTLIST: A submitted as Selah  not dogma..Yet please copy and paste as well as network share..also remember, this is not FORMULA or ALL INCLUSIVE but simply this authors attempt at offering Helpful Tips”



Q . IS IT TRUE NOW THAT EVERY CHRISTIAN WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE THE EXACT SAME THING AS YOU IS NOW A “FALSE PROPHET?” so that NOW YOU regard that see that as God’s Permission to go online to rake in lots of money for YOU and YOUR OWN Ministry  manufacturing scores of YOUR slick tabloid monetized videos which feature the faces ,names and homes of YOUR PEERS, ELDERS, FELLOW BELIEVERS 

as YOUR viewer Shark Bait?

(just go on You Tube)







There is true or false person or office. There are true or false ministry doctrines, and there are true or false versions of Christian authority. Then there’s our own set of beliefs. And only Christ was 100% true and perfect. Therefore, there are partially true and partially false aspects in each ministry. So, one must determine what percentage of falsehood to endure.

ENCLOSED I am submitting my opinion based upon 47 years of research and lifelong member of the Body of Chrsit.. Experienced, Mature ,Sound, RHead Office sr leadership if you different,want to chat, correct or add on just write.

Be Warned: this may be PG 14 for the non tongue talking or non prophetic seer type.

PREQUEL’ USA YOU TUBE INSPIRED“First, Dr. Taveau’s INQUIRING MIND demands to know… (Since they’re all at each other’s throats while the world sinks into a hostile quagmire of demonic deception and extreme confusion).

So we’ve been wondering how the youth, the non-believers, the Christ followers who are confused, the biased and big cynics can weed out “Jesus Christ solid Bible true” from “partial true,” “wannabe true,” convinced they are true, and false, part false, and clearly demonic.

With the last YouTube video year in mind (2022-23), Taveau has repeatedly addressed the TMZ-style Christ attack ministry and has penned eight articles on starting around April 9, 2023, for your perusal. “TMZ Attack Ministry Series.”



And for the naive new or biased viewers of these, with all of the loud talking heads, how can we/they, you, I “really” know what is true of the following list?

  • Who is the Christ?
  • Is he real?
  • What is he like?
  • Who should follow him?
  • Was he into politics?
  • Was he a religious Pharisee?
  • And the Messiah, a Torah law legalistic scripture thumper?
  • Was Jesus one more Levitical patriarch who looked down on his mother and all women?
  • Was he against “certain” styles, types, vibes, energies, races, genders, socio-economic strata?
  • Did Jesus prefer one “kind” of people group over another, or did he respect each one uniquely and value them individually?

First, church attack methods: Did they use them?

Furthermore, did Jesus set up His first church 12 ministry apostles to openly accuse and revile false teachers, prophets, and ministries in the community, or is that something we just do today?

Resources ARTICLES already on (For that, please see “The AI and I” Are You Submitted Part 2 Minister Jesus,” and the one before that where I ask Chat GBT AI directly (will post, think shortly).

And with that in mind, now address a certain few in recognized main Christian ministry who cannot tell a true prophet from a false prophet but more accurately from a prophet who looks avant-garde, odd, or is outlandish yet pure in heart, loving, easily entreated, kindly keeping winning many to Christ, not materialistic, and not a white big boss like the chief crowd of strident authoritarians who do the most accusing.

Oh, we first want to ask the purpose for all of this accusing, defining “talking heads” who appear to believe that they only represent each of us.

And while I agree with their freedom to say what they will, and I mostly agree with the whole purposes, I really disagree with the attack, accusing, showing names, faces, houses voyeuristic, and “we are the only ones whom God has appointed to do this (for all of American religious right Christians)” due to it now appearing to want only one skin color and only one political style, and only one “goody two shoes” back under the Bible-thumping letter of the law (TD respects, but from each of your media, it lends itself to white leader Bible beat down, even authoritarian, Levitical patriarchal witch-watching heresy hunter TMZ stereotype (not all, but enough to grab this nonpartisan’s attention).

Dr Taveau has intentionally coined a new term: VOTE “purple state” (trying to regain a sense of dignity) and package this as “midwing,” not all red or blue state only, but fly from side to side based on issues, not “party line” (it’s optional, of course, but this is how I feel to say it via cross-body unity and this senior pastor leader).





As the USA society, marked ministry culture.. big times have  truly changed (with all of the accuser name-calling on diatribe Western TV) and white being confused with racism and one-size-fits-all colonial “rulers of the entire world,” which is not myself, nor this more diverse ministry, nor was Christ, the first church, or Apostle Paul, or the first 12 overseer true apostles.


(while this is direct I have defined the USE OF WORDs above in the TMZ ATTACK CHRISTIAN (start ith part 2 and 8) and then the SERIES OF AT LEAST 10 “ARE YOU SUBMITTED” (currently there are 4-5 posted but begin to post the rest, every 2-3 days..starting Late Tuesday PM.


Now to  .the official non Mean Article about all of this today..


Above is Sister TD



(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws


Micah 7:5 (KJV): “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.”

Psalm 118:8-9 (KJV): “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.”

Prior to asking ChatGBT Ai, Taveau asks us all:

Q. How does one tell as a Christian false prophet from one that is immature or has poor doctrine?

Taveau answers in an office, not all white.. submitted Selah:

Personally, I would wisely submit that trusting a person (prophet, pastor, apostle, teacher, your friend) who is leading you to eternal hell would hopefully be the first sign that you or I would check for. But then, after that, you gotta decide who is the most true (not who is the most popular).

Apostle Paul said, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” and he called the Berean Jews who examined his own apostolic teaching to see if it lined up with Scriptures “noble” Bereans.

Furthermore, Paul showed his office humility and respect for his fellow seeking many believers in that he commanded each of the Christian First Church true believers, “Follow me only as I follow Christ.” And that is my own Christian method to train and submit as Selah, not as hardcore autocratic “you have no right to question” dogma.

An FYI: Cross Body Unity is our Christian “apostolic kind” ministry brand. also a submitted to God’s governing Galatians 1:1-2 and minsitry Ephesians 5:21 governing authority.

It is between God and yourself and His Holy Bible, for He paid the price of His suffering on the cross and His death and His victorious resurrection to give you and me the Spirit of Truth, which guides us into all truth (see and claim John 16:13 for that: “When the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth”). Then next, I would say, “See how they feel about Jesus,” as in Paul’s common doctrine “number one,” One Lord, “Jesus Christ is the Lord.” After that, it is a free-for-all to glean helpful ministry teaching and info.”

Plus, it is my submitted Selah that the only glaring “they are false” is if they do not believe Ephesians common doctrine number 1: “One Lord: Jesus.”

But that, at least, is a helpful start.

After that, then we need to go down a list, which is more like being a detective for your own sake and spare yourself sorrow, pain, manipulation, being used, or damaged. These are the other collective possible fruits of long-term (even short-term) false doctrine, which is nearly everywhere in certain ministries grassroots, affecting even popular movements. Doctrine is a sign of truly “false.”

All else is a matter of each one of us knowing the Bible (God’s word) for ourselves and getting good advice.

You can have true and false teaching, yet also true and false “governing authority rules” doctrines which may be painful and leave big wounds in the mind, will, emotions, and/or control. Even nowadays, the Holy Spirit can have a lot of warfare in it due to occult pressure to conform, a respecter of persons spirit which minimizes and typecasts, and objectives that are elite.

So I ask this question: Who is true and who is false, and how can we not get wounded by mistake or control or used even when they are “born again” but have false, even false underlying (even mean, different untrue) doctrines? This has been my recent discovery in the last 20 years, which includes the following false fruits in the Pauline “from such away” often people groups that include ministry fellowships.

I point out that there is “false” that leads to eternal damnation.

Yet, there is “partially true,” which is error, yet you are saved , just pay attention and be watchful But read your Bible and ask for help in determining when you feel the need

Also, there is “Bible believing where they are pure hearted and your convinced they deep know the Savior.

However this tribe is a law unto itself, mighty be the Boys Club and it may or may not move in “false” even “cruel “leader authority (demonic accuser doctrines).evil eye, spying many witches and Jezebels from  afar’based on vibe reading, look pet or feared type)..yet all without loving enough to ‘relate’ and interview ,get to know in order to verify and SHOW MINISTRY “VALUE AND TEAM RESPECT”

With this crowd there is alway lots of dark mysterious clandetine watching and forever rumoring as it if full of superior “we’ve arrived pride)..A few of this ought to be warned for they resemble unloving turf owing accusing, and demonizing territorial witchcraft immautre occult false use of authority which reminds to warn them that they could be shocked on the Very Last Eternal Day..REASON they  might better under Jesus’ authority warning of “I never knew you” Matthew 7:21-23 (use of governing false authority “lawlessness” iniquity”).

Thus there is false, untrue character/tattle tale false witness bearing emotional drama and time wasting dark troubling, maybe even damnable. demonic fruit( witchcraft doctrine,)which can be

based upon a group’s use of passed down tradition, old timey cruel Law,mistaken and errant  New Age, psychic, evil eye which after a while, gets leader, staff, and lay accepted ..however God is going to judge them unless they recant and repent.


Submitted born again believers” can still move  immature ” false” authority teaching, which mingles  in occult to control, python to contrict Leviathan hiding, ducing artiful pride…also big ambition and/or an unyielding territorial chief spirit, which represents Old Timey Roman Patriarciam and aristocracy  ,rather than Ephesian 5: 21 for all which is ‘mutual sumission in the fear of the Lord ” which was first church authority.

Fierce intimidation, power hungry,the  governing potentate, also slave/master totalitarianism, (so this fruit will be accepted group and demanded by the leader, elders, so if YOU are not in perfect order, they will know it and put your name on their hit list, target you in prayer and out of nowhwere YOU will being to feel enemy spiritual warfare, due to control, their false authority, the overseer witchcraft , the cult monitoring and depreesions.fear of their dominating authority, and more…in most extreme cult cases, it can cause suidical thoughts,even a horrible death) **
WHY? Ephesians 6 “YOU  are wrestling not against flesh and blood but against spiritaul wickedness in heavenly places’

**Some  persons, prohets..are far better in dicerning and avoiding Christian false ministry..while others might be blind, immune, all wise indifferent and USE TO IT as it is in their culture for long.


Still mature others ,may detect it but know about it and feel mature and Bible equipped enough to handle it (after a fashion.) Still others will NOT handle or put up with it.

Based upon my own deep indepth, multi year, multistate encounters with I name all of this turf protecting crowd as DYSFUNCTION and a sign of  a Pauline GET OUT OF IT “flee from “2 Timothy 3:1-5 fault finding Ministry Fellowship


HOWEVER it i between GOD and YOURSELF and GOD in MYSELF.
I am just offering helpful tips. Also I am just aiming to balance this out..


I hereby submit that to fully know from the start that a fellow ministry is “false,” one can tell automatically by Apostle Paul’s Ephesians 4 common doctrines, but mainly the first one.

The list of Ephesians 4 Christian community commonly held teachable doctrines are:

  1. One Lord (Jesus Christ), 2. One faith (the Christian faith), 3. One baptism (bapistism in water afer the age of a persons accountability, 4. one God, the Father of us all, (the Global Daddy)…so none of these is back under the law.

The point in testing a true prophet, to me is THE NUMBER ONE..whether  or not the prophet,teacher, person.. be wacky, odd mannerisms, weird hair, vain proud, or off in some certain aspects of Bible scripture or methods, is false if they do not believe “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

MY BIG RED FLAG right off the top is to notice if they BELIEVE and TRAIN…COMMON DOCTRINE # 1 “ONE LORD JESUS is to me the BIG RED FLAG for rightly determining FALSE from the Start “Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except by Me.”

My ministry example, many years ago, faith teacher Carlton Pearson began to teach “there are many ways to get to heaven and Christ is just one of them.” That is when he was labeled false, and I submit that that is a huge first type of test.


(READER: humbly submit OTHER SCRIPTURES as test.., for nobody, not myself will ever fully fathom a FORMULA for discerning detecting false, vs TRUE OFFICES) Email 


NOTE: This is a SELAH NOT ended.let God speak to YOU

ALSO See this as a warning type of checklist: 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5

Personally, I would wisely submit that trusting a person (prophet, pastor, apostle, teacher, your friend) who is leading you to eternal hell would hopefully be the first sign that you or I would check for. But then, after that, you gotta decide who is the most true (not who is the most popular). Apostle Paul said, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” and he called the Berean Jews who examined his own apostolic teaching to see if it lined up with Scriptures “noble” Bereans.

Furthermore, Paul showed his office humility and respect for his fellow seeking many believers in that he commanded each of the Christian First Church true believers, “Follow me only as I follow Christ.” And that is my own Christian method to train and submit as Selah, not as hardcore autocratic “you have no right to question” dogma.

An FYI: Cross Body Unity is our Christian “apostolic kind” ministry brand.

It is between God and yourself and His Holy Bible, for He paid the price of His suffering on the cross and His death and His victorious resurrection to give you and me the Spirit of Truth, which guides us into all truth (see and claim John 16:13 for that: “When the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth”). Then next, I would say, “See how they feel about Jesus,” as in Paul’s common doctrine “number one,” One Lord, “Jesus Christ is the Lord.” After that, it is a free-for-all to glean helpful ministry teaching and info.”

Plus, it is my submitted Selah that the only glaring “they are false” is if they do not believe Ephesians common doctrine number 1: “One Lord: Jesus.” But that, at least, is a helpful start.

After that, then we need to go down a list, which is more like being a detective for your own sake and spare yourself sorrow, pain, manipulation, being used, or damaged. These are the other collective possible fruits of long-term (even short-term) false doctrine, which is nearly everywhere in certain ministries grassroots, affecting even popular movements. Doctrine is a sign of truly “false.”

All else is a matter of each one of us knowing the Bible (God’s word) for ourselves and getting good advice.

You can have true and false teaching, yet also true and false “governing authority rules” doctrines which may be painful and leave big wounds in the mind, will, emotions, and/or control. Even nowadays, the Holy Spirit can have a lot of warfare in it due to occult pressure to conform, a respecter of persons spirit which minimizes and typecasts, and objectives that are elite.

So I ask this question: Who is true and who is false, and how can we not get wounded by mistake or control or used even when they are “born again” but have false, even false underlying (even mean, different untrue) doctrines? This has been my recent discovery in the last 20 years, which includes the following false fruits in the Pauline “from such away” often people groups that include ministry fellowships.

I point out that there is “false” that leads to eternal damnation.

Yet, there is “partially true,” which is error, yet you are saved and better be careful.

Also, there is “Bible believing in being begin,” which can purport doctrines of accuser demons (which I remind these might better fit under Jesus’ authority warning of “I never knew you” Matthew 7:21-23 (which I am not fully sure of regarding them and that). Yet there is false, untrue character and false witness troubling damnable demonic fruit witchcraft doctrine, which can be

2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV):
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

1 Timothy 6:5 (KJV):
“Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.”

Taveau has noted:


Many persons who name false teachers and prophets a lot usually are off themselves (maybe need to make a name for themselves).

Many persons who call all of these others false usually appear to be non-Holy Spirit, attacking the more diverse mega Holy Spirit (and there are cessationist “seminary trained tongues have ceased from the Apostles’ Days) often strident and accusing type of move that is authoritarian, it appears (which I think is white Evangelical hardline LP).

Yes, this office senior ministry is aware of the strange-looking but true prophets. Admittedly, I do not watch them if I can help it, for they are not my style. However, I perceive them as weird-looking, like artists or free spirits, performance artists in appearance. But that has nothing to do with them being accused as genuine false prophets, as this one patriarch has publicly called them out, shown their known faces, and in my opinion, blacklisted them as wicked, evil, and needing to be damned.

Many less patriarchal and seemingly pure individuals, including myself, have penned comments beneath the video where they are openly reviled. However, in a humble manner, we still consider them marked as authentically false due to the impression given by the chief Talking Head.

Nevertheless, I have watched these 2-3 prophets in action, and while I do not put my complete trust in everything they say, or in anyone for that matter, I still note them as true, albeit far-out. They are not sinister, driven by money, or trying to bring people to their own ministry but to the Lord Himself, which is genuinely true Holy Bible truth.

I name these individuals as pure-hearted, senior ministers who are tender-hearted, calm, live pure lives, and are viewable, saving many. Again, I repeat, they are sold out to the Lord and are not manipulating or giving a sales pitch. They appear very humble and are not gainsayers or demagogues but rather reflect the spirit of First Love, like Enoch.

They are meek and very open to correction. But I would not dare publicly accuse them as false prophets due to their true fruit. The man who calls them false prophets is another well-intentioned, responsible, and mature individual, but he may be embarrassed by their looks and far-out comments, which are not anti-Bible or self-serving but may be more hippie or creative artist expressions.

However, I am not him or them. I am just voicing my opinion and great concern for all of this going on via YouTube, monetizing many for funding new videos.

The white male LP authoritarians rule this attack ministry hypocrite non-servant style. Yet, I am not above them or their peer, nor do I know them in a ministry network. However, I am their age or older and have been out in the USA rank and file as an embed since the mid-1970s, while they have not and are clearly surrounded by big boss handlers, international management, staff, and network.

I owe many of them a lot for their strength and pursuit of truth. But I think that many of them do not get it that the rank and file of the USA is not the same, and it needs training without showbiz one-size-fits-all chief blanket statements, which are partisan and trigger more anti-all-Christian ministry accusations and prejudice.

I stand by my words and should any of these with to speak and pursue MINISTER TO MINISTER LEADER pure hearted dialogue then I am OPEN for cell or viber


So you will want to plan on  speaking “peer to peer” “mano a mano” .(She’s been around)

Frankly,I feel that people are trained to depend on the elevated, talking head, celebrity, whether it is for good, bad, or unjust false accusations. However, we should respect people and honor the human person made in God’s image.

But we can correct and judge their doctrines.

PS: AI stated the first named false doctrines but did not revile or publicly vilify them, just within the Christian community (see TMZ Attack Minister series #2 or #8).

The reason is that it’s easier to not have to think for oneself, and it is also the main style of Christian teaching taught to many Christians and ministers who were brought forth into ministry since the 1960s.

I humbly state that the famous ministry leader, although a wonderful authoritarian, spoke his truth regarding those 2-3 accused and named “false” with humility and not as TMZ tabloid-like most.

That is the residual wind down of the old Bible making $ move, which is now prophetic, classic, and the status quo, the norm for viewing YouTube or Christian TV

PLEASE NOTE I am not against them as human persons or the use of YouTube and media, as it has been a chief blessing. I am, however, fed up that only one one type of Christian ministry is given a big voice ..and it’s not pragmatic or down or earth or relationship divinely ministering . It’s BIG BOSS which turns off the country NON LP BIG BOSS..who are more mediative and grass roots deeper understanding.

ASIDE Yet I respect and thank many of YOU who  have done mostly well until recently. When society is screaming lambasting fist fighting similar “talking heads”


My own real concern is  the all-too-frequent accusing, along with making blanket statements, by white LPs who resort to name-calling but have not been out in the day-to-day rank and file in the USA throughout their celebrity ministry-chosen lives.


Now it seems that many innocent, who are not STANDARD “FALSE” are being lied about as as false, which hurts all of us it this is grown Blood Thrist Mega Trend (which is seems )

AGAIN the authoritarian white religious red state hard core mantled Man doe it mostly.And surely as I view, these appear to be SEEKING ONLY GOD’S TRUTH and are   well-intentioned. Yet still it is DANGEROUS..


“2012 DFW “They also lead who do not blindly following” TD

Your and my bottom line is that it is so much better to  learn how to hear God for yourself and your Bible, then just let Him guide you. A prophet might confirm;  you would already “have an inner knowing” before hand so that YOU NEVER LIVE in misery..always desperate for a word. “From the Prophet”



Micah 7:5, Psalm 118:8-9:
Micah 7:5 (KJV): “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.”

Psalm 118:8-9 (KJV): “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.”


A true reason for me calling out this patriarchal practice: I keep hearing all of those talking heads on social media lambasting and showing face, names, ministries, and film clips, “accusing them,” “labeling them,” and attacking leaders which many know who are purely saved, maybe imperfect but are “truly born again” and not “trying to use people” or “take their money” or make them suffer, opposing Jesus as the Way.

The ones that they vilify are usually very diverse and have more followers but are not assessed as impure but family people who may not be 100% in doctrine, but neither are “we,” for only Christ had and will have 100% pure, true doctrine.

So it pains me to see this as it is mixed up and creates cynics,ever more doubters and mistrust for ALL CHRISTIANS even JESUS HIM as the Personal Savior. So I am writing it.

Q. Please differentiate between a Christian false prophet and someone who is simply immature or has poor doctrine can be challenging but important.


Here are some factors to consider:

Alignment with Scripture: False prophets often promote teachings that contradict or distort the core principles and doctrines of the Christian faith. It is crucial to compare their teachings and messages with the Bible to discern if they align with the truth revealed in Scripture.

Fruit of their Ministry: Jesus said, “You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). Evaluate the overall impact and character of the person’s ministry. Look for evidence of love, humility, integrity, and a focus on the gospel. False prophets may display manipulative or exploitative behavior, while those who are immature or have poor doctrine may exhibit teachable moments and a genuine desire to grow.

Examination of Motives: Consider the motives behind the person’s ministry. False prophets often seek personal gain, power, or control. Those who are immature or have poor doctrine may genuinely desire to serve God but lack discernment or maturity in their understanding.

Consistency with Historic Christian Faith: Evaluate whether the individual’s teachings align with the historic orthodox beliefs of Christianity. False prophets tend to introduce novel or heretical doctrines that deviate from the core tenets of the faith. Immaturity or poor doctrine, on the other hand, may result in misunderstandings or incomplete understanding but can often be corrected through proper discipleship and teaching.

Accountability and Teachability: Consider how the person responds to correction, feedback, and accountability. False prophets tend to reject or resist accountability and correction, while those who are immature or have poor doctrine may display a willingness to learn, grow, and be open to correction.

Discernment and Wisdom: Seek guidance from mature, trusted Christian leaders or mentors who can offer wisdom and discernment. They can provide valuable insights and help you navigate complex situations.

Remember that discernment requires prayer, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and a commitment to studying God’s Word. It is essential to approach these evaluations with humility, grace, and a genuine desire for truth.


To me, I find that among the “office prophets” that elite, withstanding false doctrine is widely accepted now, especially in the fields of the Holy Spirit and deep worship (which I love). Pointing out, it appears that the method of attracting monetized viewers is to accuse and lambast in a tabloid ministry form. I have named it the new prosperity teacher ministry genre (all over social media, getting younger and younger, and seeming to want to “make it big” and amass wealth). So, I call this out as “naming and defaming,” a new form of prosperity teachers which is bash for cash and “Demas for dollars.”

The method is louder than whatever truth they hope is being revealed, as it is difficult to focus on any sound teaching when it’s cloaked in tabloid and Judas coins, monetized by selling out their brothers and sisters in Christ. For a full description, please see, TMZ Attack Ministry #8.

The side effects of being repeatedly immersed in that (be it subliminal toxic manipulation, the pressure to conform or to perform) have a cult spirit that oppresses and lingers far after the time when you identify it and leave. But it is similar to a familiar spirit which can obsess you, causing you to focus on it as it removes your joy of the Lord!

And this has been my finding since DFW (2005- mid 2020) when I was immersed in prophetic charismatic which had lost its way due to losing the core focus of the first church, which is Jesus Christ as Savior. Instead, it had become manipulative, money-centric, sly, using, ambitious (like Demas), opportunistic, insincere, and witch-like. It was biased and engaged in character assassinations, using “reading my vibes, energies”

.…..instead of loving and relating. It devalued the new visitor and focused on its gifts rather than the love of Jesus or the good news, or creating a family feel. It had a cult-like, witch-watching, fierce, typecasting, and cultish club mentality (many anti-non-WELP females).

I learned the hard way as I was not raised around this, but now I am able to train and spare many (feel free to contact me to ask any questions).

Dr. T now uses very careful terminology to identify and scripturally attempt to defrag what many in famous celebrity realms are doing down among their many cast of characters who dote on their every word.

Yet, I respect these top formidable Christian teachers, for I believe they do not realize what has happened since fame, money, and self-importance arrived in the churches.

So, I would caution them from here, but I will not accuse them or those who call out their many famous TV and worldwide names or show their faces.

Sort it out by character and how they respect all races, classes, and styles of human persons. Are they big hip LP misogynists? Racists or not?

I would measure how my spirit, conscience, and mortal (mind, will, emotions) react in their midst.

Q. Do I feel cult-watched, passed over as a “type”?

Also, the inner red flag buzzer going off:
Q. Does my spirit pick up a warning from the Lord?

Q. When I watch and observe the top leader, the staff, and the governing leaders, do they resemble James 3:17 in all relationships with family and fellowship?
I John 1:7 with all? Ephesians 5:21? How about Ephesians 4:1-6?

Q.Or do they have a “respecter of persons” low-caliber ministry bias? Are they superior? Proud?

Q. Do I feel oppressed, depressed? (Take that as a big sign.)

Q.FIRST LOVE BIG STYLE: Are they leaders who act more like an Enoch (pure in heart, holy fear of the Lord, first love) or a Demas (seeking power, possessions, and personal ambition for the here and now)? Are they like Samuel and Eli, ready for the big Ichabod temple sweep (see the characters of Eli and the two big boss playtime user-abuser wastrel “females and money-focused” sons)?

Above is a huge maybe MAIN POINT today


REASONS..there are different DEGREES of Both TRUE and Accusable FALSE

Q. ARE THEY GENUINELLY FALSE (“Going to be damned forever in Eternal Hell Flames?”) OR SAVED BUT DOCTRINALLY IN ERROR, OFF?

Making a point: In modern ministry, as much of it is media,

Category A: Genuine eternally dangerous false prophet (going to burn in hell forever and lead many there besides) OR  a technically Truly Saved” prophet who is each ..or all. of the following in different percentages and degrees:


1. Immature
2. Dysfunctional
3. Very unwise and Poorly trained
4. Giant ego,
5. Emotionally unhealthy
6. Trained by poor teaching
7. Enjoys performing
8. Possibly is Bat cave crazy!


Q. Are YOU off and unwisely accusing him, her, them due to your own false doctrines and lack of Bible mature deep training?

Perhaps “they” are true, and “you” are off, accusing due to YOUR OWN false doctrines.

  1. Possibly that person is a talented and gifted ministry who is true, and God might verify it (from His point of view), but rather have YOUR mind made up, and YOU are off.
  2. Perhaps it is a true prophet, teacher, who is not false, but YOU do not like their style or how they behave, move in the gifts, or speak in tongues when YOU do not believe in it (or it could be vice versa, YOU do speak in tongues and they do not!)
  3. Maybe it is YOU who have a big religious spirit of bias due to being brought up among knee-jerk reactionaries and spooky witch watchers, obsessed with Queen Jezebel!

12. IT MIGHT BE THAT YOU are “under “old-timey controlling country law government, (and they are not)
(or vice versa!).


Your spiritual doctrines and pet doctrines can be biased, inherited, and they warrant examination before you accuse a brother or sister leader as false.

AS FOR MYSELF: I would safely say most who go all out to repeatedly call out others as false usually dislike their view of Bible scripture, and most of these despise the Holy Spirit and the moves of the Book of Acts.

ADMITTEDLY, this is one giant,, neverending + never ever 100% conclusive “to solve this” and “fix it’ into one easy formula

No, that will never happen. However, we can get TIPS and IMPROVE and that is what this person is after, Nothing more.

And in an”attempt” to save someone, to help someone not be fooled, also. For I analyze my own heart not just research others.

Yes, this is all subjective and by God’s mercy…yet with apostle T has had a very long time doing htis and hasmature wideeexperiencee, especially since media and show bizaffectedd the USA ministry.

And. Much of this is ‘seer prophetic” office… gone occult subltly, slowly…in the last 25 years…so I can submit you my findings in these Healthy well thought out Tips.


John 16:13 paraphrased says, “For God’s Holy Spirit of Truth to guide you into all truth.” Additionally, Daniel 2:28 states, “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.” This means that the living Book of Acts Holy Spirit (the John 16:13 Spirit of truth) can reveal to you if you need to get out or if someone or something is not safe for you. I have relied on this verse continually while surfing through the many different ministries and Holy Spirit prophetic, worship, and doctrinal movements.

However, it has all been through a “long time,” a “slow motion” process, relying on His deep abiding joy, the Holy Spirit, great Bible teaching, and all for His glory.

Divine appointments are my style

My submitted as Selah (the greatest of these is Love, not elite precision gifting)
Sincerely, TD




(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, inconjunction with Ai.





actually this part is


“Mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” Pauline Mentored Body of Christ Ephesians 5:21

. Q. “WHY Did the Unusual Little Woman cross the road?”
A. To press into the Word of God, in the Secret Place and to hear God for HER SELF.(Being submitted to the Apostle Paul who said “Work your own salvation with fear and trembling” “Don’t swallow EVERY apostles Kool Aide” So I chose not to. The TD Quote Beneath is God inspired:

They also lead who do not blindly follow” TD 2012 DFW Texas Christian Ministry

(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

Yet, this is “Submitted” as a Selah ..for the Body of Christ: Not religious hardcore dogma. Rather it’s “”submitted” Selah (to pause and think for YOUR SELF) as the days are evil and the church is getting vilified, some due to due it own lack of responsiblity to determine “what” “who’ is TRUE and not “back under the Hard Core  “Criticial -Levitical” ornery legalistic Law.”

DR T Asks CHAT GBT AI different ins and outs about the famous office prophet Deborah who was Hebrew Judge of males and females and also married..

NOTE FULLY  YOU  CERTAIN  GENTLEMAN. This person NEVER had an inkling of how this would turn out SHE NEVER cared about BEING “this”‘(all of 5 fold office) or “ANYTHING”… other than what  ONLY GOD for HIS GLORY and SOLE PURPOSES..So I submit what follows as “a foolish thing sent to confound “or some such..ALSO Levitical Patriarchs and Bias L Matriarchs who are the Alexander the Coppersmith of this persons being…YOU ARE RIGHT I am NOT UNDER YOUR FORM OF LEGALISTIC AUTHORITY..I am a Galatians 1: 1-2 SENT OUT BY   THE MASTER





You may not understand this female and her obvious fixation on Bible submission…which is born out of a strange yet divine curiosity.

For you see, I was never raised around,  under  or beneath toxic “control, big boss,” ..neither was this femine pure creature raised by crude Bible thumping so called authority which accused, demeaned, disrespected or by bias devalued.

Also this means that this She writer was not… as a girl…  or as a youth… or as a  woman, by ANY  Christian father, leader, pastor or religious spirit using “bias, back Under the Law ” chosen ” false authority’ (EVER!)   withstood,  dominated, biased against, told that I should not..and neither was this person who happens to be a Human Being Made in the Image of God and attired in theis hand crafted, specifically tailor made SHE EARTHSUIT while on this Earthly Mission EVER ONCE (!!) acccused and defiled..nor trained to be “submitted under” ANY  form of spiritual authority OTHER THAN my own self government which Holy Spirit abiding in the “wisdom that come from above “meaning the fruit of “JAMES  3:17 ” (pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits (which Galatians 5:22-23 Apostle Paul fruit of the Spirit Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness Meekness and SELF GOVERNING AUTHORITY (self control)

Also, based upon my own rearing by Bible believing non dogmatic non racist or biased nor accusing, berating but instead ‘servant leader persusavive and pure reasoning Governing Authority” I look back to my parents, their parents and extended happy smart non biased professional well educated mature family…and I note that we all respected one another and appeared to model First Church Ephesians 5; 21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord.

This means that “giving the set in place religious or ministry or business or someone’s personal dwelling “RESPECT FOR THEIR IN PLACE AUTHORITY AND PRIOR TO MY VISIT THE “SET BOUNDARIES” comes quite naturally to this myself.

It seems to surface (jump up from inside) very naturally as if  via osmosis. And it is ever  based upon affirming “others” leader boundaries and…. expecting them to observe and respect mine.

My senior pastor father was NOT any sort of “submission” “covering”  LP Shepherd. No, he was quite the mature opposite.   He was not an autocrat nor a partriarch but a loving hands on kindly Dad, MY FATHER. And a Ephesians 5:21 “teammate’ ‘copartner’ with his only wedded wife, my Mother.

 I was not raised ‘under the country Law’  by any “Woman thou art bound” or “thou shalt not” training.  I never longed to be a women’s libber for I already raised liberated and free to hear clearly and evualate Scipture Teachings for MY SELF.. In comparison to right now, it was more mature, caring, trustworthy and joyful and similar to a Billy Graham Christian ‘other centered “ETERNAL GOALS” mature and responsible, hands on and servant elder down to earth pragmatic.

An FYI…also , nobody in my Southern Baptist sr pastor seminary grad pastors mature fathers and Bible scholar dear  mother’s (who was former Presbyterian) ever schooled me that I “should NOT BE anyting at all. ” However, I did not feel that being a senior pastor as a woman was femine so I never longed to be this way. I never cared to do all that I know how to do and be today but its ETERNAL and TIME IS VERY SHORT. So I present another option for leader women and men to SELAH. (but no dogma!)


Hence I was raised  LIBERATED by two whole, fair, Godly contented happy married parents who dwelled and Christian modeled Ephesians 5:21″ mutual submission in the fear of Lord” as did both of their dear parents and grandparents, my aunt and uncle and the entire Bible teaching historical family)

I invited the Lord to be my personal Savior in my father’s country Baptist church at age 9. I made sure that I was ready to go to heaven at age 12 listening throught the door while my paternal grandmother watched Billy Graham.

At age 16-17, I  re-accepted the Lord once more and become on fire for Christ at a Jesus People type of home Bible study for teenagers in Virginia Beach.

AGE 18 I went college was involved in a campus Bible study IV Movment. And I made the choice to find out WHAT would happen and WHAT I would become if I let Holy Spirit direct me every day 24/7/365 which I did and have until the present. During my junior years in the Southern Baptist College, age 20  I asked the Lord for the Book of Acts experience after an off campus (the very first) “praise and worship” meeting. It was gentle, barely noticed but later I realized I was being given more depth of discernment and percpetion..(more about that later)

Age 24, after graduating college ,being married, before the 2 children, I was seated in 1/2 charismatic renewal plus nice Presbyterian Church which had huge passion Christ and was called by God “to study the USA ministry leader doctrines . It would all styles black and white, males and females, speaking in tongues and not. I was to ‘know their doctrines, their pet peeves, their red flag buzz words, their worship and their fashion …for ONE DAY ..IN THE LAST DAYS God would need me “building bridge of understanding among his Body”

AND IT STARTED with many long years, slo mo ministry growth, raising a family, having my own public minsitry (1986 “The Encouraging Word” which prayed prayer protection for pastors, their families and minstries and for USA revival, police and more.but also published a bimonthly newletter for pastors which gave an Daughter of Issachar Present Day word from from the Lord, had an office, was on local TV and 4 states of radio, did childrens church and helped pray in the city wide prayer (cross denominational urban suburban sr pastors, ministry leaders ongoing pray and repentance for revial move. I spoke and guest minsiters and was SENT to FL, to Charlotte, Tulsa and many other places TO STUDY THE BOOK OF ACTS types of moves.

Back at I also grew into the spirit of prophecy, was imparted and started to morph into prophetic psalmist and spontaneous worship leader…through my area, I  instructed in music, became a CCLI songwriter ..but then then the enemy rose up, up close and extremely personal and never every single day…waiting for the other shoe to drop…deep and controlling, also damagaging and traumatizing…recurring dark emotional abuse (So by Gods mercy and prior great acceptance and Bible teaching.. I pressed into the Lord for His strength, practice ultimate big forgiveness and kept on hearing God and keeping on..hence it  grew in my Bible faith and needed strength and Bible knowledge…also Book of Acts prophetic outpourings, worship and impartations, as God proceeded to keep SENDING to strategic places and major conferences and experiences and also the media…so learned BOTH “the holy Spirit power of God ( meaning His presence and power and healing presence of the Lord”)

So it’slike Matthew 22:29 in this apostolic sr ministry “Know BOTH the Scriptures AND the Power of God ” as Jesus ministered to the Sadducees”when  he admonished them, “YOU ERR not knowing(both) the SCRIPTURE and the POWER OF GOD”

So I give Holy Spirit of God all the glory!

However, that  long enduring extreme experience   was so dominating, kept me isolated and I had no men in the family, as my father had died, and even though I pastors and board members and choice advisors, none of the seem to think that it was worth them intervening and meeting with thim and me to protect me..And  that is all I will share..except for this..that finally, as continued to grow worse and more damaging after 15 years..and was trying to preserve the “Christian” marrige…yet following violence and MUCH mean and demonic big dysfunction, I finally stopped the local work and later ended up in DFW Texas where I had never seen anything like it in “professional Book of Acts Bible teaching and Holy Spirit ministry IN MY I refused to deeply accept, condone also affliate and  connect with all that did get my Doctrinal Noble Berean in full gear and force!

A ROMANS 8:28 SERVANT LEADER TIME” All things work together for the good of those who know the Lord, those who are called according to His Purpose”



DFW PERIOD (Like a Danielic Deportation) 2005- mid 2020 was a rough period.

I lived like the Jane on the Isle of Plano who wasn’t a part of whatever was there (it was mainly the spiritual atmosphere which I despised as  a prophet seer)..yet In intended to grow and God’s Holy Spirit began to use the  Apostle Paul as my mentor, also the very many prior Christian leaders in my life, especially my pastor Father

Back then I could related to the freshly saved Novel  Paul who was unwanted and implied as”forced out” from being allowed to colabor with the Original 12 Chief Apostles who’d been chosen and mentored by Christ Himself. Apparently they did not like newly saved Apostle Paul’s intrinsic  vibes  and for 13-14 years Paul went up to be with the Arabs ,who were Gentiles and whom God used to cleanse him of his former Loveless Torah mean Bias toward this big group of GENTILES( and later ALL GENTILES became servant leader Galatians 1:1-2 apostle Paul’s Grounds of Being CHOSEN AND SENT.

Yet God is GREAT and He used that to make me fearless and to not want to compromise His Message, even though it is not a “fundraising”  Sent Message.

Yet, as a student of apostle Paul (in a type of high quality exile.meaning the great health clubs and Starbucks of the area (which I refer as the SAFE PLACE “barista fellowship’ ) for online ministry purposes…So God granted much leader deep grace and I learned and needed to grow. This human person, raised so well and respectful..a gentle spirit was MISUSED, SPIED ON, OCCULT WATCHED, ACCUSED FOR SHOWING UP dressed in a God HandCrafted (non turf protecting) Female Earthsuit. Meaning time after DFW Ministry time..BUT THAT WAS ALL RIGHT for I understood that as a PROPHET God needed me to see that to know what goes on (charismatic, prophetic) and to train them NOT TO DO that ..but to train ME NOT TO MOVED by it.and to TRAIN THE OTHERS to BE CAREFUL and to WARN THESE MINISTRY GROUPS to lay God is going to REMOVE YOU if YOU are into occult false religious, using, real witchcraft and selling YOUR SOUL FOR MAKING SENIOR MINISTRY  MONEY.

So this withstood non occult James 3:17 bearing fruit of RESIDING Human Person got more brave and mature and tougher…due only to the fact that I HAD TO BE to survive. It was the worst most dyfunctional and achieving ambition, Demas and python and LP patriarchal Ruling Big Boss and Job 41 Leviathan ministry big place I had EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE and I didn’t want to stay there. (So after Covid shutdown lived I vacated and relocated up here. WHAT A MAJOR DIFFERENCE (the Church had down it local work, before I had arrived)

Due to DFW  I had to be on  spiritual, emotional, BIG watch and on personal guard 24/7 due to the subculture off Bible totin’ BIg Bosses …and (for my first time EVER IN MY CHRISTIAN LIFE) “ministry misogyny” “owning me” and “accuser occult non servant leader witchwatching” (which I lived despite it and learned to discern it and study their Poor Me Victim sorty of Doctrines..

But not feeling loved, accepted or respected due “whatever ” is in my own spiritual DNA I loved the people of Texas and the giant area and blue sky and the BIG THINKING down there. It was just the area RELIGIOUS SPIRIT and TOUGH CUSTOMERS in these “born again” mostly native “gainsaying’ Demas Despot ministry subculture that drove this fine caring genuine Real Deal Person out.

And with much to say, including



So I realize that and that is part of the Journey and the need to TRAIN and TEACH mainly the TV MEDIA Strongly Affected Big Boss, nearly all solid white male Big Bucks Ministry.

Also, I am a fun person and have a great since of humor and creative energy so God Birthed the SOCIAL MEDIA quick witted side which in now evidenced in the many ministry blogs, videos, training, etc

Thus it was not bad and I realize Paul had his uncertain ministry periods, including his imprisonments, the shipwreck and being bitten by the viper…Dr noted that Apostle Paul had to go through life mega changed and trials for ‘Sifting” and qualifying to the Galatians 1;1-2 office chief apostle ,as this is…And it was due to his immersion in so much DARK STUFF that it sifted and sanded him to make his pure , as well as his personal and motives, to get him ready for ” ‘his abundance of the revelations” which he received throughout in many “Holy Spirit revealed DOWNLOADS” which He described in his apostolic prayer for all of the Believers . He said the following

Ephesians 1:17 “I pray that all of you get more of God’s wisdom and revelation in your knowledge OF HIM” (means the fruit of knowledged gained by being SET PART WITH HIM, not just reading books or hearing ministry teaching   ABOUT HIM)

And that is my cause: to train fellow deep ministers to be like open for an abundance of life-changing, life-effecting revelation in your, our knowledge of Him in our private Psalm 91 secret place. Set apart wholly, first love abiding, enduring, longsuffering, and quality relationship.

So for me to get this curious about all of His, it is just due to me being “sent by the Lord” to study the charismatic movements around the United States. It was only then when I discovered, well, “be in submission” (or rather, it discovered me when I was alone) and it targeted me. It often accused me, bore false witness about my character, my ministry, and was a plague of false demonic control which I had never before known existed.

It is aggressive, bequiling, relentless yet will not keep it’s mind own its own ministry business, so it is invasive..I find it occult defiling… and I will train this until this cult like white witchcraft unyielding non contrite and turf owning slave master wearing spirit is vanished!

Hence I am not ashamed or embarrassed to be called UNSUBMITTED by this gentrified and mostly like aging big Boss enormous Levitical Patriarch WE CENTRIC “used to being the OVER US ALL Ruling Premium Colonial wise crowd. And I was not reared around it, underneath it and never am I “over top of it” for I wan nothing to do with false teaching, mean Evil and Eye trading on one’s elite gifts to get what it wants..and nearly any means…

However, by know wholly recognize and train for a Future Church (so there IS one!) and my hopes are that THESE can be assessed and discerned and recant, respent and be DELIVERED for it is THIS Major  Book of Acts Holy Spirit and prophetic worship , seer ministry doctrine which presumes it OWNS First Church Book of Acts prophetic Wells.

To the many WELP and ambitious WELM.not offended just FED UP(picture Jesus “fed up” at the controlling false mammon centric, keep em “submitted” to do our bidding temple in Matthew 21:12-13) on behalf of the New Grass Roots primal more diverse (‘every walk in type of person’ not Self Style We Own YOU Big Boss)
Sincerely, Taveau D’Arcy

Deborah’s appears to be in authority is over both men and women .
Compare and contrast this to the usual Christian woman’s use in modern Churches .also adress Apostle Pauls ‘women silent’ compared to Deborah.. WHY DID GOT LET A WOMEN IN OLD TESTAMENT behave in such an authority fashion?

Deborah’s authority as a prophetess and judge in the Old Testament is indeed notable. She exercised authority over both men and women, demonstrating her leadership and wisdom in guiding the nation of Israel. This contrasts with some prevailing perspectives on women’s roles in modern churches, where there can be varying interpretations and practices.

In many traditional Christian contexts, women’s roles in leadership may be limited or restricted based on certain biblical passages, including those attributed to the Apostle Paul. The passages you refer to, such as 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12, have been interpreted in different ways, and some interpretations have restricted women’s participation in certain speaking or teaching roles in church settings.

Regarding why God allowed a woman like Deborah to exercise such authority, it is important to consider the broader biblical context and God’s sovereign choice in using individuals to fulfill His purposes. God’s actions are not limited by cultural norms or societal expectations. In Deborah’s case, God raised her up as a leader and judge during a time of need for Israel. Her authority and leadership were a testament to God’s sovereignty and His ability to use anyone, regardless of gender, to accomplish His plans.

It is worth noting that the Bible contains various examples of women in positions of authority and leadership, such as Miriam, Huldah, and Esther. These examples show that God can and does use women in significant roles throughout salvation history.

The issue of women’s roles and authority in the church continues to be a subject of debate and interpretation within Christianity. Different denominations and traditions hold diverse views on the matter, ranging from egalitarian perspectives that affirm full equality of women and men in all aspects of ministry, to complementarian perspectives that emphasize distinct roles for men and women in church leadership.

Ultimately, it is essential to approach these discussions with humility, respect for differing viewpoints, and a commitment to studying and interpreting Scripture faithfully. Recognizing the contributions, gifts, and potential of both women and men in the church is vital for fostering a healthy and inclusive community that seeks to honor God and advance His kingdom.


As the Bible mentions few women, how does Prophet Deborah appear?

Prophetess Deborah appears in the Book of Judges in the Old Testament. Her story is found in Judges chapters 4 and 5. Deborah is a remarkable figure who served as a prophetess, judge, and military leader in Israel during a time of oppression. Here are some key aspects of Deborah’s appearance in the biblical narrative:

Leadership and Authority: Deborah is portrayed as a highly respected and influential leader in Israel. She held court under a palm tree, and the Israelites sought her counsel and judgment (Judges 4:4-5). Her role as a judge included settling disputes and providing guidance to the people.

Prophetic Gift: Deborah was not only a judge but also a prophetess. She received divine revelation and delivered messages from God to the people. In Judges 4:6-7, she summoned Barak and prophesied about a military victory against the Canaanite army.

Military Leadership: Deborah played a significant role in military leadership. She accompanied Barak into battle against the Canaanites, and her presence and encouragement bolstered the Israelite army. Under her guidance, they achieved a decisive victory (Judges 4:8-24).

Song of Deborah: After the victory, Deborah composed a poetic song in praise of God and the triumph over the enemies. This song is recorded in Judges chapter 5 and provides further insight into her faith, leadership, and the events surrounding the battle.

Deborah’s appearance in the biblical narrative highlights her exceptional qualities as a prophetess, judge, and military leader. She demonstrated courage, wisdom, and faithfulness to God. Her story showcases the important role women can play in the purposes of God and challenges traditional gender roles of her time.

Deborah serves as an inspiring example for both men and women today, demonstrating that God can raise up leaders, regardless of gender, to fulfill His purposes and bring about deliverance for His people. Her story affirms the value and importance of women’s voices and leadership in both spiritual and practical matters.


Please discuss prophet Deborah’s “office submission” to the Lord most High and her very UNUSUAL high call in the Old Testament Levitical Law days

As a prophetess and judge, Deborah would have been expected to uphold and interpret Hebrew Law in her role. She would have been responsible for rendering decisions and settling disputes based on the principles and guidelines set forth in the Law. The Law encompassed issues such as adherence to monotheism, ethical conduct, fair treatment of others, and the prohibition of idolatry and other forms of religious transgressions.

Deborah, a prophetess and judge, can be assumed that Deborah adhered to the religious and legal principles outlined in the Hebrew Law, which encompassed a wide range of moral, ethical, and ceremonial regulations for the Israelite community.

Overall, Deborah, as a prophetess and judge, would have been expected to guide and govern the Israelite community according to the religious and legal principles outlined in Hebrew Law.



THIS SHE WONDERS, as prophet Deborah was married, how did she comply to submission to her husband being a national judge?

(TD’S NOTE PLEASE: what follows is Ai’s response, which is not too indepth. I know a lot more on this Deborah -Lapidoth Marriage modern day hot topic PLUS I will end with a quote regarding Deborah and why she was used UNIQUELY back in the patriarchal ministry society like a “man ” was basically used The quote will be from Sr Pastor Rod Parsely in his Reformation Bible commentary about the usage of Office Deborah. (Ministers, note fully I regard Pastor Rod Parsely as NOT A WELP) He respects ALL women and is a man’s man.


Q.If prophet Deborah was married, how did she comply to submission to her husband being a national judge?


In the biblical account of Deborah, there is no specific information provided regarding her compliance to submission to her husband as a national judge. The Book of Judges primarily focuses on Deborah’s role as a prophetess, judge, and military leader rather than her personal relationship dynamics.

However, it’s important to note that the concept of submission in the context of marriage during that time was based on the patriarchal social structure prevalent in ancient Hebrew society. Men held positions of authority and leadership, while women were expected to fulfill domestic roles and be submissive to their husbands.

Given that Deborah is described as a prophetess and judge with significant influence and authority in the community, it is plausible to infer that she might have had a unique position within the societal norms of the time. It’s possible that her role as a judge and prophetess would have required her to exercise authority and make decisions independently, even if she was married.

It’s also worth noting that the biblical narrative does not provide substantial information about Deborah’s relationship with her husband, Lapidoth. While Lapidoth is mentioned as Deborah’s husband, his role and significance are not expanded upon in the text.

Ultimately, the specific dynamics of Deborah‘s marriage and how it intersected with her role as a national judge are not explicitly detailed in the biblical account. The emphasis is primarily on Deborah’s leadership, wisdom, and connection with God in carrying out her responsibilities as a judge and prophetess.

NOTE The above is prophetic ministry, mostly Holy Spirit filled



In Pastor Parsely’s Reformation Bible Commentary (TD’s paraphrase ..this is his explanation of WHY God called up a woman in the Old Testament patriarchal Law Times: Pastor,chief apostle, prophet, REAL NON LP Godly One Woman Real Man said “When God looks around the nation of His people and cannot find enough Godly real men. HE will call out the women”

(NOTE: And when I read that I chose to accept the high call of God by saying the YES to being His apostle Galatians 1:2-3 like a Paul for a training Prototype for the Church. FUNNY HUMOR: this was in DFW about 2014-2016:

And I went to the Lord ,when He called me into doing, being that SENT MESSENGER ORACLE MINISTRY OFFICE. And I asked, ‘Lord if APOSTLE Paul was SENT to the Gentiles and Apostle PETER was SENT to the Jews..then WHO is this OFFICE being SENT TO and the Lord answered” YOU are being SENT to the Slacks Wearers” which always had been! I laughed for I am aware that the Lord has a keen sense humor. As I was ALWAYS PRIOR SENT to both MEN and leader WOMEN equally if not MORE TO THE MEN all of my life. (I also figured that God said THE SLACKSWEARERS meaning modern Christian types..because the ONES who do not believe in women wearing slacks ALREADY KNOW THE FEAR OF THE LORD!” SEE.this is WHY Taveau has a HUMAN’S MINISTRY.


TD WAS CURIOUS About How Leader Prophet Deborah dwelled in submission to Lapidoth, her wedded legal husband

Thus this apostle Taveau assesses Deborah and her husband Lapidoth in the following manner.

FIRST TD Likens it to a Christian  mature, highly capable, even specialized modern working woman or senior or junior married office minister, a business CEO, founder,etc.

VIA THE FIRST CHURCH BIBLE VIEWPOINT and applying it to Lapidoth and Deborah being legally married and submitted to God and to order in the proper Bible governing Godly contented mature sense.


We know far more about prophet Deborah was out in the public serving God as a Hebrew Judge, prophetess and out in the battlefield along with the warrior men as God instructed.

Yet “He” her man husband, Laptop (” Lapidoth,”) apparently did not mind ( to TD t his reflects his pure trust in his wife with other leader men, his own deep personal security that he was “threatened” ‘feeling competitive’ or ‘accuser jealosus”about this.

NOTE how this appears to be in accordance with New Testament Scripture for a happy teammate /co laborers, two peers safe marriage as in one which is resembling Apostle Paul’s Ephesians 5:21 ..meaning that”Both “she’ and “he were dwelling in “mutual submission in the reverential fear of the Lord”

Also we note that in this model, technically the mighty office Deborah was a Ephesians 5:22 “submitted to him” (she was out there with the Hebrew Leadership while he was not, as that was not his big call, but he knew about it, knew in depth what Deborah Did and approved.She went out to serve the Lord and her fellow Hebrews daily, with secure Lapidoth’s blessing.

BASED UPON THAT (selah not hardcore dogma)
1. We may presume that these two are “equally” yoked, and that while the husband Lapidoth is not described in depth, he was the HOH (head of home) he safe place, her friend and her guard.

Deborah was the “weaker vessel” to her Lappie’s certain strengths which she lacked and she the complement and healthy balance to his.

2. I believe that they related to one another as family, friends, lovers and colaborers, with each taking time out to R AND R (really recreate) and to nurture their private lives apart from work and duty.

3. I would perceive BOTH OF THESE as majorly gifted and equally talented but in different fields and in different stregths (for I come from along line of these and well recognize this:big achievers, talented ministers,selfless hard workers, servants of the poor but all serving white it makes sense to me about a Lapidoth and a Deborah in modern days..(this means that I know “myself’ and that I could use ‘another half’ BUT it would HAVE to be GOD CHOSEN and SENT to be able to stand what goes on in this type of ministry.

4. I believe that the Mighty Public Office Recognized Judge Deborah would relish serving the many different peoples all day, but then enjoy returning home to park her briefcase AND her authority mantle by the family door and enter in and just HER “SELF” (off duty, fun, R and R,having children, taking vacations, and keeping the Flame Alive in their Romance)

5. So we need to look at the PUBLIC”SHE” DEBORAH and the Private ONE “home alone” with her stronger vessel, the dependable and reliable,”Being THERE FOR HER” Strong Lapidoth

6. A “Bible weaker vessel” is”RELATIVE to the person they choose to marry NOT ALL CHRISTIAN MAN are the “STRONGER VESSEL” for ALL LEADER REAL WOMEN


Not ALL (NOT EVERY LITERAL ONE)  leader women

ARE the “weaker vessel to “ALL” KINDS (each and every)type  OF MAN.”


7. It depends upon each individual mature couple. (I need to say this for I have met truly rampant emotional and spiritual maximum IMMATURITY in Chauvinistic MINISTRY in the last 25 “surfing the Body of Christ “years”

8. THE WEAKER VESSEL is by most presumed to be (implied as “victim” “surely gullible’ “my property” ‘my waitress’ “easily used” and “available to me to suit my every want and need” (NOT SAFE OR PURE OR GODLY ” MANTLED” CHRISTIAN MEN!)

Hence we train.


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(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with Ai